Ada beberapa saran dari Yahoo Health tentang anak2 yang obes, mungkin dapat
membantu (maaf dalam bahasa Inggris)
Intinya sih, anak harus dibiasakan makan makanan sehat seusia dengan
piramida makanan, output dan input-nya harus seimbang, dan kebiasaan
keluarga sangat menentukan.

Semoga membantu,

Well, your kids need a healthy DIET as well as a healthy ROUTINE. Keep your
kids active. I have overweight cousins who sit around and eat simply because
that is the only thing they ever saw their mother do... Even at 2 years old,
my youngest cousin ways 70 lbs. and all she wants to do is eat. If you stay
active, and eat healthy, their is a better chance they will practice the
same habits -- Simply because children love routines and they love to
immitate their parents/guardians.

Posted by incognito_mosquito69 on Sun, Sep 10, 2006, 5:03 pm PDT

#1 and #2, I suggest feeding them healthy things and encouranging them to be
more active. You can easily trick them into thinking they are just playing
instead of exercising. I don't reccommend dieting because I think that will
make the situation worse and I aslo don't suggest telling them they are fat.
With healthy eating and activities, as they grow taller the weight will come

Posted by mikelinep on Mon, Sep 11, 2006, 6:23 am PDT

 have been down this road with my child. He was only about 10 lbs
overweight, but I felt the need to stop him before it got out of hand. We
have an eating scedule now with NO EXCEPTIONS. 8am 12noon 4pm 6pm and 8pm.
It is working!! I suggest healthy snacks...cups of applesauce, 100 calorie
pudding cups, fruit, cheese stix & peanut butter sandwiches. There are many
choices out there and our kids cannot make the right choices on their own.
It is our duty to keep them healthy and it is our fault if they are
not.Posted by fly_grl78 on Thu, Sep 14, 2006, 1:24 pm PDT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hairiah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 3:17 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] Anakku Obesitas??? (curhat)

Dear parents...

Mo curhat nich..anakku egi (25bln) beratnya tuch semakin hari nambah
terus, mpe hari ini aja bb nya dah mencapai 21 kg (tingginya ga' tau
persisnya brp).. aku bingung ko' sampe segini beratnya ya... Kalo untuk
makan n ngemil dia emang cenderung lebih mau dari teman sebayanya... n
untuk susu dari lahir mpe sekarang aku pake produk morinaga (Chilkid)...
Nah yg aku sering dnger produk morinaga ini emang bisa bikin ndut... so
dlm waktu dekat ini aku mo ganti aja susunya, trus untuk cemilannya
mungkin aku lebih selektif lagi dech (selama ini cemilannya mayoritas
rasa coklat)... so parents aku mau tau donk kira2 batasan anak obesitas
itu spt apa sich?? Terus kira2 apa langkah yg aku ambil dah benar?? Apa
aku perlu konsul ke ahli gizi untuk pola makan anakku?? Please sharing n
sarannya ya parents untuk curhatku ini... Terima kasih banyak


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