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Hati2 utk. orang2 yg. mau melahirkan anak, yg. hak utk. mendapat the
best medical care telah dimanipulasi oleh dokter dan rumah sakit.


Headline News August 23, 2003

Hospitals criticized for malpractice
The Jakarta Post

Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Farid Anfasa
Moeloek warned on Friday that a good number of hospitals in Jakarta
and several other cities had allegedly committed fraudulent
Farid, a former health minister, based his allegation on the
excessive number of Caesarean operations conducted on women.
Declining to identify the hospitals, Farid said 90 percent of women
who delivered their babies underwent a Caesarean in those hospitals,
while the normal percentage should stand at only 15 percent.
"It is apparent that the hospital has done the operations in order
to rake in more money. This practice must be halted immediately,"
Farid told reporters after addressing a seminar held by Pluit
General Hospital in North Jakarta. A Caesarean costs around Rp 4
million, but could be higher in the more upmarket hospitals.
Marius Widjajarta, the chairman of the Indonesian Health Consumers
Foundation, told The Jakarta Post that the practice was a public
secret. He said it was related to tight competition among hospitals.
According to Marius, in some cases patients themselves asked for a
Caesarean as they felt that it was the safest way to deliver a
baby. "However, despite the request, hospitals should advise the
patients whether they really need such an operation or not," he said.
Marius called on people to be more aware of these practices and to
take legal action if they felt hospitals or doctors had misguided or
deceived them, as stipulated in Law No. 8/1999 on consumer
Farid, who is also an obstetrician, demanded that the government
provide a legal umbrella to deter hospitals from taking advantage of
patients' lack of knowledge. Besides the consumer protection law,
the government should introduce a medical audit system in the
country, he said. A medical audit would allow the authorities to
detect malpractice. The audit should be carried out by an
independent team of medical practitioners, clinics and hospitals.
"The government should incorporate the medical audit into the bill on
medical practices now being drafted," said Farid.  He said the United
Kingdom was one of the countries which had already adopted a medical
audit, and suggested that Indonesia follow suit.

All contents copyright © of The Jakarta Post.

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