Belanja di mah ongkirnya booo yang mahal.
info nich:
     Order Placed: August 30, 2006 order number: 103-0292445-1493452
     Order Total: $60.70
  Item(s) Subtotal: $43.73
     Shipping & Handling: $16.97
----- Total Before Tax: $60.70
     Estimated Tax: $0.00
----- Grand Total: $60.70

Shipping Speed:
Standard International Shipping

Kalo Tempat tidur mah beli aja di Indo..
gak usah di
mo BIGLAND , ROMANCE, FLORANCE.. beli aja di aku
mumpung diskon.

hihi.. jualan terselubung..
mbak Rury blm jatuh hati yaaa :))


----- Original Message ----- From: "Evariny Andriana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] RE: [SuspectedSpam] [balita-anda] Re: WAS OOT mo tanya urgent

hayah mbak.. kalo tempat tidur mendingan beli di indonesia deh
ngirimnya bisa lebih mahal dari barangnya kali :D

On 1/8/07, Rury Nainggolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ohhh.. gitu ya..
saya sangat2 jatuh hati sama stock car convertible bed dr step 2.
ada yg punya ngga bekas nya, klo ada mau dong..

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