memang cukup banyak seh artikel di BA....tapi pas saya unsub kali ya....soalnya saya cuma dapetin yg terapi uap aja..... kalo untuk batuk berdahak yg sampe sebulan gitu apa nggak sebaiknya dikasih obat mbak ?....obat yg rekomended kira2 apa ya ?....
soalnya temen saya itu udah jalanin terapi uap seh.....


----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Q:Pliiiis Batuk udah 1 bulan

Sebenernya kalau mba mau browing or liat di file BA banyak lho mba sharing
ttg batuk serta penanganannya.
Saya bantu jwb singkat aja ya mba, untuk mengurangi lendir kasih mik aer
putih yg banyak, kamar non AC dulu, diuapin  (kyk sauna) caranya taruh air
panas dlm termos  beri sedikit minyak kayu putih/telon..letakan disudut
kamar ,ini salah satu cara traditional untuk mengurangi lendir.
Kalau pagi ada sinar matahari, jgn lupa dijemur...

Tapi kalau mau terapi yg dirumah sakit atau nebulizer bisa juga.........

Dari website Prof Iwan Darmansjah :

Jangan Beri Antibiotik Pada Anak Untuk Batuk Biasa

Cough illness in the well-appearing child:
Antibiotics are NOT the answer.
1 Cough illness/bronchitis is principally caused by viral pathogens.
2 Airway inflammation and sputum production are non-specific responses
and do not imply a bacterial etiology.
Authors of a meta-analysis of six randomized trials (in adults) concluded
that antibiotics were ineffective in treating cough illness/bronchitis.
3 Antibiotic treatment of upper respiratory
infections do not prevent bacterial complications
such as pneumonia.

Berikut artikel dari CDC :
Cough illness in the well-appearing child: Antibiotics are
NOT the answer.


Cough illness/bronchitis is principally
caused by viral pathogens. Airway inflammation and sputum production are
non-specific responses and do not imply a bacterial etiology.

Authors of a meta-analysis of six randomized trials (in adults) concluded
that antibiotics were ineffective in treating cough illness/bronchitis.
Antibiotic treatment of upper respiratory
infections do not prevent bacterial complications
such as pneumonia.

@ Do not use antibiotics for:
Cough <10-14 days in well-appearing child
without physical signs of pneumonia.

@ Consider antibiotics only for:
Suspected pneumonia, based on fever with focal
exam, infiltrate on chest x-ray, tachypnea, or
toxic appearance. Prolonged cough (>10-14 days without improvement) may
suggest specific illnesses (e.g. sinusitis) that warrant antibiotic
Treatment with a macrolide (erythromycin) may be warranted in the child
older than 5 years when mycoplasma or pertussis is

When parents demand antibiotics...

Acknowledge the child’s symptoms and discomfort.
Promote active management with non-pharmacologic treatments.
Give realistic time course for resolution.
Share the CDC/AAP principles and pamphlets with parents to help them
understand when the risks of antibiotic treatment outweigh the benefits.

1.OBrien KL, Dowell SF, Schwartz B, Marcy SM,
Phillips WR, Gerber MA. Cough illness/bronchitisprinciples
of judicious use of antimicrobial agents.
Pediatrics 1998;101:178-181.
2.Chapman RS, Henderson FW, Clyde WA, Collier
AM, Denny FW. The epidemiology of tracheobronchitis
in pediatric practice. Am J Epidemiol
3.Orr PH, Scherer K, Macdonald A, Moffatt MEK.
Randomized placebo-controlled trials of antibiotics for
acute bronchitis: a critical review of the literature.
J Fam Pract 1993;36:507-512.
4.Gadomski AM. Potential interventions for preventing
pneumonia among young children: lack of effect
of antibiotic treatment for upper respiratory infections.
Pediatr Infect Dis J 1993;12:115-120.
5.Wald E. Management of Sinusitis in infants and
Children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1988;7:449-452.
6.Denny FW, Clyde WA, Glezen WP. Mycoplasma
pneumoniae disease clinical spectrum, pathophysiology,
epidemiology and control. J Infect Dis 1971;123:74-92.

"Rita Yulianti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/25/2007
01:23:44 PM:

Dear all SP....
Ini titipan dari  temen kantorku neh....kasian banget....
anaknya (10 bln) udah 1 bulan batuk berdahaknya nggak
berhenti-berhenti...dia udah 3 kali ke DSA tapi selalu dikasih
dan obat2an yang berbeda-beda dari mulai obat alergi sampe puyer tapi
sembuh-sembuh juga....
badannya seh nggak demam tapi sekarang udah mulai flu juga....terakhir
ini ke DSA dia dikasih bisolvon....
katanya kalo batuknya nggak sembuh2 juga harus dirontgen....
masa seh anak sekecil itu harus dirontgen.....

kira2 harus gimana ya kalo DSA sendiri blm bisa bantu ?
plis sharingnya ya....soalnya kasian banget anaknya jadi muntah


----- Original Message ----- From: "Evariny Andriana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Happy bday buat Raka-nya Evariny

> mao mobil... sama rumah.. sama rekening bank... sama apa lagi yaaaa..
> ummmmmm *mikir lagi*
> hihihi becanda sepppppp..
> cukup didoain aja biar sehat terus dan jadi anak yg baik dan berbakti
> ortu aja dah
> On 1/25/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
>> dek raka mau kado apa????
>> "Evariny Andriana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/25/2007 11:59:22
>> > Makasih tante sefty dan kakak Naylaaaaaaaa
>> > Kadonya mana tanteeeeeeeee *hihihi*
>> >
>> >
>> > On 1/25/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > wrote:
>> > >
>> > > selamat ultah juga ya...Raka..
>> > > semoga cepet pinter,sehat emnjadi anak yg sholeh..
>> > > -nayla en mom-
>> > >
>> > > "Evariny Andriana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/25/2007
>> AM:
>> > >
>> > > > Makasih ya mbak Dini dan mbak Dhani
>> > > > makasih untuk doanya..
>> > > >

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