mudah-mudahan gak menganggu jalum nich....
1. Simple & friendly
Dear [Recipient's name]:
Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from [Company 
name], effective [date, two weeks from date above]. The associations I've 
made during my employment here will truly be memorable for years to come.
I hope a two-week notice is sufficient for you to find a replacement for 
me. If I can help to train my replacement or tie up any loose ends, please 
let me know.
Thank you very much for the opportunity to work here.
[Sign here]

2. Formal & Straight to the point
Dear [Recipient's name]:
I hereby tender my resignation from [Company name], effective [date]. At 
that time, I will return the firm's property.
[Sign here]

3. Formal but grateful
Dear [Recipient's name]:
This is to formally notify you that I am resigning from [company name] as 
[title]. [Date] will be my last day of employment.
Thank you for the opportunity to work for such an outstanding 
[Sign here]

4. Thwart a possible counteroffer
Dear [Recipient's name]:
Please accept this letter as my notice of resignation, effective [date].
This wasn't an easy decision, because I am grateful for the rewarding 
employment I've had with [Company name]. But after long hours of 
consideration, my decision is now final and I have accepted a position 
with another company.
Sincere thanks and best wishes for the future,
[Sign here]

5. Short & Sweet
Dear [Recipient's name]:
I have decided to tender my resignation. My last day will be [date].
I made this decision, not because I'm unhappy with the opportunities 
you've presented, but as a strategic career move. It's been a great 
pleasure working with you and representing the company. I wish you and 
[Company name] continued success.
Please feel free to call on me if I can help to ensure a smooth 
[Sign here]

6. Similar to no.1, but as simple as it get
Dear [Recipient's name]:
Effective two weeks from the date of this letter, I resign my position as 
[Sign here]

7. Similar to no.1 but with touch of gratitude
Dear [Recipient's name]:
Effective two weeks from the date of this letter, I resign my position as 
I've enjoyed working here. Thank you very much for the opportunities 
you've provided.
[Sign here]

8. Sample 

Dear ?..,

This will confirm my resignation as (your title) at (your company).

I have accepted a position as (your new title) at a growing publishing 
house in New Jersey. I am looking forward to my new position and the 
challenges that await me.

My last day of work will be December 10, 1998, which should allow me 
plenty of time to finish ongoing projects and to turn over my position to 
my replacement. Please feel free to contact me at any time should you have 
any questions regarding my past work. I hope that the transition will go 
smoothly for everyone.

My experience with (your company) has been very rewarding. I appreciate 
having had the opportunity to work for such a fine company. I wish you and 
the organization continued success.
[sign here]

9. Sample

Dear ??.,

This is to inform you that I have been presented with an opportunity that 
will enable me to work in the area of my stated preference, marketing. 
Therefore, I am tendering my resignation from Kinsley and wish to advise 
you that July 8, 1998, will be my last day of employment.

I would like to thank you for the experience of having worked for Kinsley 
Manufacturing, a truly outstanding organization.


[sign here]

10. Sample 

Dear ..,

This is to formally notify you that I am tendering my resignation from
[your company]  as [your title] and wish to advise you that May 3, 2002 
will be my last
day of employment.

My experience with [your company] has been very rewarding. I appreciate 
having had
the opportunity to work for such a fine company. I wish you and the
organization continued success.


11. Sample
This is to formally notify you that I am resigning from PT Haldin Pacific 
Semesta as  [your title]. 12 March 2002 will be my last day of employment.

I greatly appreciate the opportunity I have been given to learn and 
develop. Thank you for your time and consideration and wish you all the 
best in the future.


(your sign)

12. Sample

Dear Sir,

I regret to inform you that I would like to discontinue my service at 
(?..title??), due to
personal reasons.

I would like to thank you for all your guidance and support extended to me 
during my service with (?.company?..).

13. Sample 

Dear Sir,

I hereby convey my resignation as (?.title?) due to ???. (reason).

My resignation is not caused by any dissatisfaction with the company.  On 
the contrary, I did enjoy my work here and had learned a lot from your 
??..(well-established organization / organization ).  -------- Choose one, 
depends on the company

I wish to express my greatest gratitude for all the guidance and wonderful 
opportunity extended to me in gaining invaluable experience at the 

14. Sample

Dear Sir,

I would like to submit my resignation letter, for your kind and early 
consideration.  Due to my personal problems, I am not in position to 
continue further with your esteemed organization.

I  request you, to get my self relieved, by the end of this month.

15. Sample

Dear Sir,

I herewith submit my resignation from ??company??.. effective ??date??.. 
as I will join another company starting in ??date?.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the management of 
??company?.. for giving me the chance to work in this prestigious 

I wish all the best for ? in the future to come.

16. Sample

Dear Sir,

I would like to give ??..(examp. 3 weeks) notice for the termination of my 
employment with ??company?? on ??date??

The reason of my resignation is would like to get more facilities for my 

I would like to thank to the company for installing upon me the various 
job knowledge and to express my greatest gratitude for all the guidance. 

17. Sample

Hereby I submit you my Resignation Letter that will be effective 

I thank you very much for the chance that given to me, in working in your 
company.  I hope your company will establish and face a better situation 
in a near future.

Through this letter allow me to ask your permission on my resignation, I 
also asking your forgiveness to the mistake that maybe I have made during 
my days in your company.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

18. Sample 

Respected Sir,

You have kindly consented to accept my resignation from the services of 
your company.

I would request that I be relieved from the services of the company at the 
close of the working hours of ? 9th -month-year.

I wish to record the guidance and help that you have so generously 
provided during the four and a half exciting years that I have worked for 
you.  I seek your continued blessings and good wishes.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

19. Sample 

Dear Sir,

I have been thinking a great deal recently about balancing my career 
objectives with my family like and after much deliberation I have decided 
to resign for the next month

I will take on leave since... for... month...and effective ... I'll be 
terminating my employment at PTMI

I have truly enjoyed my experience in consulting and pre sales activities 
at the company, along with the friends I have made.  Please be assured 
that I will extend every effort to make departure as smooth a transition 
as possible. I wish PTMI much success in the  future.

20. Sample

January 2, 2001

PT ....................
Attn. Mr.

Dear Sir,

Herewith I would like to inform that due to personal reasons, I would like 
to resign from  PT ........ effective from (date).  Thank you very much 
for the opportunity that this company gives to me for last five years. 

Sincerely yours,

21. Sample

Dear Sir,

Please accept my resignation from [old company], effective December 29, 
1996. I have recently been offered an opportunity in the [new company], 
and have decided that this position best suit my future career plan.

Leaving [old company] was not an easy decision. [old company] was the 
first company I worked for. A year-plus experience with [old company] have 
both personally and professionally rewarding and I appreciate the interest 
you have shown in my career since I joined the company, especially by 
giving me opportunity to continue my study. I wish the company only the 
best for the future. I will always be proud to say I started my career 
with [old company]. 

I wish for your understanding in my decision and apologize for the 
inconvenience caused by my leaving. Within a month, I will transfer all my 
responsibilities to the persons in charge. Once again, I thank you and 
[old company] for giving me so much.

Sincerely yours,

22. Sample

Dear Mr./ Mrs.......,

After a serious considerable thought and soul-searching.  I have decided 
to resign my position as an .......... in ................ effective on 
.........  I assure you it was not an easy decision to make, and I want to 
acknowledge with deep thanks your much kindness and support to me during 
the years I worked with you. 

Although I have enjoyed working with you and have learned a great deal 
from the training I received from you, but I would really like to pursue 
another career which is more challenging and promising for my future 

My best wishes to you always.  Don't be surprised to get some telephone 
calls from me, asking for advice and perhaps a sympathetic broad shoulder. 
 I value the experiences I have received at ...(company's name)..., and 
I'm confident that it will be very useful to me in my future career. 

Sincerely yours,

23. Sample
Dear ?,
I want to thank you for all you have done for me here at (Company). It's 
been a pleasure working with you, and representing the company as your 
(job title). 
I will get married in the end of June, so that I am not able to continue 
my employment with this company.  June 30 is my last day working in this 
This decision has nothing to do with the opportunity you have provided for 
me here. You and the company have been fair with me, and I genuinely 
appreciate all your support. 

I wish (Company) continued success, and I want to thank you for allowing 
me to be a part of your team. Please feel free to contact me at any time 
if I can be of further assistance in helping with a smooth transition. 

24. Sample

Dear Sir,

I have had very pleasant time working with your firm, Public Accounting 
Firm ? Hanadi, Sarwoko, & Sandjaja, member of Ernst & Young International, 
for one year and it is with much regret that I have to discontinue my work 
relationship with the Firm as from September 30, 2002 for personal reason.

Allow me here to express my sincere gratitude for the experience and 
valuable knowledge I have gained from the Firm and the pleasant 
relationship enjoyed with my superiors as well as my colleagues during my 

In connection with my request for resignation, I would appreciate it very 
much if                  I could be provided with a letter of 
recommendation from the Firm.

Thank you very much for all your kindness.

Yours sincerely,

25. Sample

Dear Sir,

First of all, I would like to thank you for the opportunity and trust 
which has been given to me. Unfortunately, I have to take up another 
challenge in another company although my period here in (PT..) is very 
short. Therefore I hereby resign from the (??) position.
Although the period of my service is very short, I have much to gain and 
it was my pleasure in knowing all the (PT?.) People. Again I would like to 
thank you for the opportunity ,trust, and kindness shown by you and all 
the team.

Warmest regards,

26. Sample

Dear Sir/Ma'am:

This is to inform you that effective XX Month, 2001 I will be tendering my 
resignation as position due to reason. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for believing in 
me but referring back to the abovementioned reason, I feel that I can no 
longer perform my duties and responsibilities anymore in a professional 

Again, thank you and best wishes to your undertakings in this company. 

Best regards,

27. Sample

Dear Sirs,

With this letter, I would like to inform you officially my resignation 
from my position as ????. (title) effective MM DD, YY.

My decision to resign from this company is based upon personal 

I have enjoyed my almost  ? years tenure with ? (company's name) and the 
opportunity to work with such outstanding group of dynamic people.

It would be appreciated if you could issue a reference letter mentioning 
my experience for how long and at which department working at 
????..(company's name)

I sincerely wish everyone at ???? (company's name) good luck and all the 
best in their future endeavors.

Best Regards,

Christine Laloan Parlindungan | Internal Audit Department | PT Thames Pam Jaya 
| Sampoerna Strategic 
Square, TowerB ? JL Jend. Sudirman Kav.45-46 Jaksel 12930 | Tel:+6221 
5772030 | Fax:+6221.5772038 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

09/02/2007 13:59
Please respond to balita-anda

        Subject:        [balita-anda] (OOT) Ada yang punya contoh surat resign 

Sorry yach mon & dad ada yang punya contoh surat resign baik bhs ind 
inggris...Sekalian kata2 perpisahan yach....Aku perlu banget krn aku mau
resign....Aku tunggu yach....japri aja yach biar ngga ganggu yang lain...

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