
Ini mah hoax, yang bener adalah botol2 plastik tidak disarankan untuk sering
dipakai lagi takutnya bakteri2 dan virus2nya cepet nyebar, tentu saja jika
gak dibersihkan dengan baik...Kalau dibersihkan dgn baik dan dikeringkan
kemudian dipakai lagi, yo ra masalah.

Mama Nayma

On 3/26/07, Irma Sri Aryani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gimana dgn botol2 plastik yg biasa diisi air
& disimpan di kulkas?
Apa jg bisa menimbulkan zat karsinogen?
Mohon pencerahannya. Thx.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Fw: Drinking Bottled Water Kept in Car

Some organizations (including the IBWA) do recommend that plastic
water bottles be used only once before recycling, but not because
re-use is likely to cause carcinogenic compounds to leach from
the plastic bottles into the liquids they hold. The concern is
that people (particularly children) can too easily spread and
ingest bacteria from their hands and mouths by re-using bottles
without properly washing them or allowing them sufficient time to

Notes: IBWA = International Bottled Water Association

Noni MT wrote:
> dear parents, ada kiriman sepotong doang nih spt di bawah
> bener gak sih? ada yg punya artikel lengkapnya gak?
> Subject: Fw: Drinking Bottled Water Kept in Car
> My husband has a friend whose mother recently got diagnosed with
> breast cancer. The doctor told her women should not drink bottled
> water that has been left in a car. The doctor said that the heat and
> the plastic of the bottle have certain chemicals that can lead to
> breast cancer. So please be careful and do not drink that water bottle

> that has been left in a car and pass this on to all the women in your
> life.

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