
Clinium 300 itu nama generiknya klindamisin or clyndamycin. Lebih dahsyat
daripada flagylstatin yang cuma metronidazole. berikut ini artikel yg saya
dapet. Kalo masih bisa di-treatment pake flagyl atau metronidazole, kenapa
mesti pake AB yg lebih dahsyat ya...just my curiosity.

Hi, I'm 22 years old and ever since my puberty started and also after that
into the adulthood I had problems with
my face. I have tried different therapies and creams but all of them
a very limited success
<>and the acne kept on
coming back. Finally I went to my doctor to ask for
medical treatment of my acne and she recommended to me a few products, one
of them is clydamycin, the antibiotic used as topical
Can you tell me more about this
its benefits and side effects?

This is a very strong antibiotic and it is used in medical practice only to
treat severe bacterial infections that cannot be treated by any other
antibiotic. It can be used to treat skin, lung, pelvic and vaginal
infections. As a topical ointment or a gel it is used in 1 % concentration.
It is very effective against heavy forms of acne, it treats the bacterial
infections on the skin and it eases the symptoms of acne. The main
ingredient of the gel is alcohol and that's why gel itself is very
flammable, you shouldn't be using the gel near an open flame or if youre
smoking. When taking clyndamycin orally many side effects may appear, one of
the worst ones is pseudomembranous colitis, and other stomach and digestive
tract <> problems.
Also if you are
if you are pregnant you should take extra care, and you shouldn't take
clyndamycin in any form unless it is absolutely necessary. Although only a
small amount of the drug is absorbed into the blood when clyndamycin is
applied topically there is a slight chance that even that small amount may
damage the unborn or breastfeeding baby. If you have anymore questions or if
you experience some strange side effects during the use of this gel you
should report it immediately to your doctor.


On 6/11/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <


Flagystatin sih nggak apa2 buat ibu hamil, sejak kehamilan saya pertama
kedua saya udah langganan sama Flagystatin karena keputihan terus, malah
dosisnya udah 10 buah untuk 10 hari. Tapi terakhir karena masih keputihan
terus, akhirnya dikasih antibiotik sama dokternya nama obatnya Clinium
Kata dokternya sih nggak apa2 karena kalau tidak diobati malah takut
ketubannya jadi pecah (kok bisa ya?).

Sekalian tanya deh, boleh nggak sih ibu hamil minum ab ini? Mohon
pencerahannya ya.

Terima kasih.


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