Tolong donk ada yang tau ga tempat penitipan anak deket2 jl MT Haryono saya
lagi butuh bgt nih...

Thanks & Regards
PT Sysmex Indonesia
-----Original Message-----
From: lia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 7:49 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] Little Eyes

friends,aku mau share puisi ini , buat aku berkesan banget soalnya kita
lupa kalo tindakan kita sebetulnya ditiru oleh anak-anak kita....Semoga
When you thought I wasn't looking ,
I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator
and I immediately wanted to paint another one.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw you feed a stray cat , and I learned 
that it was good to be kind to animals.
I saw you make my favorite cake for me, and I learned
those little things can be special things in life.
When you thought I wasn't looking, 
I heard you saying a prayer, and I knew 
there is a God I could always talk to 
and I learned to trust in God.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw you make a meal and take it to the friend who was sick,
and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing,
and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't.
I felt you kiss me good night and I felt loved and safe.
When you thought I wasn't looking ,
I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it ,
and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.
When you thought I wasn't looking ,
I saw how you handled your responsibilities , 
even when you didn't feel good,
and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking ,
I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned that 
sometimes things hurt , but it's all right to cry.
When you thought I wasn't looking ,
I saw that you cared , and I wanted to be everything that I could be.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know 
to be a good and productive person when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I looked at you and wanted to say,
" Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking. "
( each of us ; parent , grandparent, teacher , uncle, aunt, or friend, 
influence the life of a child ........ )


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