Hiks.. maaf ya klo ada yg tsinggung hnya mo share ke m'cristine gmn
susahnya dptin uang pisah (p'alaman misua & temen), gak nuduh/njelekin
ke suatu kompeni or bagian tertentu.. skali lg maaf.. piss..

On 6/21/07, Icho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wah.. sensitif nih subjectnya.. jadi kudu hati2 hihi..

----- Original Message -----
To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] OOT - Sharing & minta saran : TPJ mengecewaka

> hihiiii...maap salah kirim...maksute td mo japri ;p
> *no offense nor defense yaa...*

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