Dearest moms,

Friday Sale ya...
Mo nawarin Medela Breast Pump yaa...

Medelanya 100% baru dan garansi medela lgs..
aku jual 2 macam

1. Yg model Swing ini di toko jual harga normalnya 1,8 jt
sama aku 1,375 aja, kenapa mahal karena modelnya ada kelebihan memijat jd
keluar lbh banyak, aku pake yg ini...
Swing stok nya tinggal 2 unit...
*Swing*™ *Breastpump
* The only single electric personal use pump with breakthrough 2-Phase
Expression (r) Technology for maximum milk flow. First researched and
developed for hospital breastpumps, 2-Phase Expression is an advanced
pumping pattern that mimics a baby's natural nursing rhythm by pumping in
two distinct modes.

*Stimulation mode:* To simulate your baby's initial rapid sucking to start
your milk flowing
Expression mode:* To simulate your baby's slower deeper sucks to express
your milk gently and efficiently.


  - SoftFit breastshield
   - 2 bottles and caps
   - Bottle stand
   - Power cord
   - Shoulder/next strap
   - Tubing
   - Valve and membrane
   - Drawstring bag
  - Swing is designed for Moms on the Go!
   - One touch let down button designed for faster milk flow
   - Convenient, easily fits into a purse or briefcase
   - Efficient, adjustable speed and vacuum
   - Comfortable, comes with SoftFit™ Breastshield
   - Mobile, use on a tabletop, belt clip or shoulder/neck strap

2. Satu lagi yg mini electric, ini yg laku keras. rata2 toko saat ini indent
karena stok kosong.
harga normal 800rb, dan bbrp toko di ITC-ITC biasa jual 650rb
sama aku 595 rb aja, mayan kan selisihnya bisa buat beli yg lain...
*The Single Deluxe Breastpump
Ideal for Short-Term Separation From Baby
*The Single Deluxe is the most well-known handheld, electric breastpump that
automatically simulates baby's nursing action. No push button or manual
operation is needed to release vacuum. Lightweight, portable and with
adjustable vacuum control.

3. Aku juga jual Lactation Aid disebutnya SNS (Suplementary Nursing Sistem)
kalo di toko jual 450-500rb, sama aku cuma 375rb
modelnya spt botol plastik yg dikalungin trus ada selang lembut yg kita
masukin ke mulut bayi saat nyusu di puting.
gunanya utk merangsang si bayi tetap isap walopun ASI belum keluar atu mulai
gambar dan direction usenya ada file pdfnya.. gak bisa jalum, yg minat
serius bisa aku kirim japri utk file pdf.

*stok terbatas*
thanks ya moms...


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