
Tambahan, saya juga pecinta kopi soalne, dan pas hamil Nayma, masih juga
suka ngopi...hehehe, kalo kopi instan satu bungkus antara 50-190 mg
cafeinnya, teh instan 50-80 mg/bungkus, batesnya 300 mg per hari buat wanita
hamil. Di bawah artikel juga ada tabel2 minuman apa aja yg mengandung cafein
dan berapa kandungannya...semoga  berguna. sumber

Do I have to give up caffeine now that I'm pregnant?
Not necessarily. You can still enjoy your favorite caffeinated drinks as
long as you don't overdo it. After years of controversy over the issue, most
researchers now believe that, although caffeine does cross the placenta,
moderate amounts (less than 300 milligrams a day) won't harm your baby.

That's about what you'd get from two or three 8-ounce cups of coffee. But
keep in mind that the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee varies widely
depending on how strong it is, and that your serving size depends on how big
your mug is — a typical mug holds about 10 ounces.

Many pregnant women limit their intake even further or cut out caffeine
completely. If that seems wise to you, you won't get any arguments from your
midwife or doctor.

Is it dangerous to get more than a moderate amount of caffeine during
No one knows for sure. Some studies found that women who got 300 mg of
caffeine or more a day had a higher risk of miscarriage. And according to
the March of Dimes, high caffeine consumption may slightly increase the risk
of preterm labor or low birth weight, which could make a difference for a
baby who's already at risk for these problems.

Other research has shown that babies of women who got more than 500 mg a day
had faster heart rates and breathing rates, and spent more time awake in the
first few days after
Though the research isn't conclusive, it makes sense to cut back if you're
downing more than three cups of java or more than 300 mg a day from all
sources — sodas, tea, coffee, and chocolate — combined.

One thing's for sure: You'll feel better if you cut back on caffeine. It's a
stimulant, so it increases your heart rate and metabolism and can cause
insomnia, nervousness, and headaches. It contributes to heartburn by
stimulating the secretion of stomach acid. It's a diuretic, so it makes you
pee more often and become dehydrated more easily.

What's more, it has no nutritional value — in fact, it causes your bones to
lose calcium. And all these effects are only likely to get worse as you
approach your due date because your body breaks down caffeine more slowly as
your pregnancy progresses, and that means a higher level of caffeine in your
bloodstream (and in your baby's).

By the way, there's one more reason to cut back on coffee and tea during
your pregnancy, whether it's caffeinated or not. These beverages contain
compounds called phenols that make it harder for your body to absorb iron.
This is particularly important because many pregnant women are already low
on iron. If you drink any coffee or tea, have it between meals so it has
less of an effect on your iron absorption.

Which foods and beverages contain caffeine?
Caffeine is in all the usual suspects (coffee, tea, and cola) as well as in
chocolate, other soft drinks (including some orange sodas and root beers),
and "energy" drinks. It's also in some over-the-counter drugs, including
some headache, cold, and allergy remedies. The amount of caffeine in coffee
and tea varies widely, depending on whether they're brewed or instant, weak
or strong. Check the chart below for caffeine amounts in some common foods
and beverages.

 *Item* *Amount* *Caffeine* *Brewed coffee, drip method* 8 ounces 100-300
mg *Brewed coffee, percolated* 8 ounces 65-275 mg *Instant coffee* 8
ounces 50-190
mg *Espresso* 2 ounces 40-70 mg *Cappuccino* 2 ounces 40-70 mg *Decaffeinated
coffee* 8 ounces 1-8 mg *Brewed tea* 8 ounces 35-175 mg *Green tea* 8
ounces 8-30
mg *Instant tea* 8 ounces 40-80 mg *Iced tea* 12 ounces 65-75 mg *Coffee ice
cream or frozen yogurt* 1 cup 8-85 mg *Soft drinks* a 12-ounce can 30-60 mg
*Hot cocoa* 8 ounces 3-30 mg *Chocolate milk* 8 ounces 2-7 mg *Milk
chocolate* 1 ounce 1-15 mg *Dark or semisweet chocolate* 1 ounce 5-35
mg *Baker's
chocolate * 1 ounce 26 mg *Chocolate syrup* 1 ounce 4 mg

On 6/29/07, Lif Rahayu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Pernah baca deh, berikut saya copy pastekan, batesnya 2-3 cangkir kopi,
bukan gelas ya (gak dijelaskan juga cupnya ukuran berapa). Dulu saya juga
kadang minum kopi, saya batesin satu hari maksimal satu cangkir, dan
seminggu maksimal 3x saja. semoga berguna.

Lower Birth Weight After 300 mg Caffeine Intake

Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology, Vol. 7:9-17, 1985

Although 300 mg of caffeine intake represents approximately 2 or 3 cups of
coffee, many people don't realize the amount of caffeine they can consume
from other sources besides coffee. Most studies, such as the ones previously
mentioned, look for toxic effects based on the number of cups of coffee
consumed per day. However, if significant amounts of caffeine can be
ingested from other sources besides coffee, this could hide the true dangers
when comparing coffee drinkers with non-coffee drinkers.

In this 1983 Ottawa study at Carleton University, Canada, the researchers
analyzed the total caffeine intake from all sources in 286 pregnant women.
For the first trimester of their pregnancy, coffee accounted for only 56% of
their total caffeine intake, tea accounted for 37% of caffeine intake, while
caffeinated soft drinks, chocolate bars, chocolate drinks and caffeinated
medications accounted for approximately 7% of caffeine intake. These levels
maintained about the same throughout pregnancy.

Approximately 4% of the women during pregnancy consumed 100 - 300 mg of
coffee daily while 4% of the group consumed over 300 mg of coffee daily.

The researchers stated, *

"The most marked effect associated with heavy caffeine use (over 300 mg
daily) in the present study were the reduced birth weight and the smaller
head circumference that persisted after statistically controlling for other
potentially contributing factors."

The mean head circumference of the infants born to the heavier caffeine
users was 1.1 centimeters (cm) smaller when compared to those consuming
under 300 mg of caffeine daily (33.5 cm compared with 34.6 cm,
respectively). This difference was considered significant. A significant
decrease of 379 grams in average birth weight was also observed in the
heavier caffeine group. The average weight of infants born to the heavier
caffeine users was less than women consuming little caffeine (3537 grams for
the low caffeine users and 3158 for the heavy caffeine user- nearly a 400
gram difference).

In summary, the researchers stated, *

"It is during the last trimester of pregnancy that the greatest spurt in
fetal growth occurs. The present results suggest that daily caffeine intake
of 300 mg or more can interfere with normal fetal growth... The observed,
relatively small birth weight reductions may be of minor importance to a
healthy full-term baby of acceptable weight but may be of major clinical
significance for a preterm or small infant."


Drs. B. Watkinson and P. A. Fried
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Maternal Caffeine Use Before, During and After Pregnancy and Effects Upon
Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology, Vol. 7:9-17, 1985

 On 6/29/07, Ambar Yulianti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> saat ini saya sedang hamil anak ke 3 (usia kandungan 3-4 bulan) dan
> entah
> kenapa jadi doyan banget minum kopi (rasanya kalau udah minum kopi mual
> jadi
> ilang).
> yang ingin saya tanyakan berapa gelas perhari batas toleransi minum
> kopu/teh
> saat hamil
> mohon masukannya ya...
> regards,
> mama nafisya&naura
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Beli tanaman hias,
> Info balita:
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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