Terima kasih Ibu

2007/7/11, Gopina Goham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


*cuma ngumpulin doang, lom bisa bikin ndiri*


Dear all,

It has been an amazing 4 years in ***** and the experience has been
rewarding to say the least. Effective today, with a lot of
considerations I have decided to be graduated from this firm.

I would like to use this opportunity to express my sincere
appreciation and gratitude to ****************Those are the best
managers/mentors I have ever work with.

Many thanks also to all of my pals and to all of my colleagues that I
can't mention one by one, who I regard as part of my family, and all
of the people who have given me so much support over the years. You
have given me the opportunity to be the part of the "Team". Spending
years with all of you has taught me a lot of things which I treasure
and always remember. I wish there were a better way to say thank you
for your guidance and friendship.

I believe one day we shall meet again and we wouldn't be strangers.
Until then I wish good luck to all of you and hope that ****** will
always be successful and cheerful in the near future.

Lastly, please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience in
whatsoever manner I may have caused during my service with the firm.

I can be reached at ************* and *******

Keep in touch !


Dear All,

Moving out from the "comfort zone" always becomes a difficult decision
to take. But, accepting more challenge becomes very interresting for
young people like me. Thus, I have decided to find another challenge
in another place and another company. I would like to say thank you to
people that I can not mention one by one  during my employment here
who share your time with me, who share your knowledge with me and
share all ups and downs. I'm sorry too for every mistakes I made.

It's been an honor to work with all of you, particularly *************

Please keep in touch with me, I will be glad to meet you again
someday. Here is my new address :

At last, good bye everybody. I believe, someday our career will cross in
the future.

Thank You and Best Regards,

On 7/11/07, Indra Minarto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Maaf jika sebelumnya subject diatas sudah pernah dibahas dalam milist
> Mohon dibantu untuk contoh email pamitan kepada rekan2 kerja/rekanan
> perusahaan.
> Atas perhatiannya dihaturkan terima kasih.
> Salam,
> Indra Minarto

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