I love you 
I love you,
You love me,
We're a happy family,
with a great big hug,
and a kiss from me to you,
Won't you say you love me TOO!

I love you,
You love me,
We're best friends like friends should be,
With a great big hug,
And a kiss from me to you,
Won't you say you love me too 

And the green grass grows all around 
there was a hole
in the middle of the ground
the prettiest hole
that you ever did see
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grass grows all around
and in this hole
there was a tree
the prettiest tree
that you ever did see
and the tree in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grass grows all around
and on this tree
there was a branch
the prettiest branch
that you ever did see
and the branch on the tre
and the tree in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grass grows all around
and on this branch
there was a nest
the prettiest nest
that you ever did see
and the nest on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grrass grows all around
and in this nest
there was an egg
the prettiest egg
that you ever did see
and the egg in the nest
and the nest on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grrass grows all around
and in this egg
there was a bird
the prettiest bird
that you ever did see
and the bird in the egg
and the egg in the nest
and the nest on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grows all around all around
and the green grrass grows all around 

Barney's theme song 
Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination
And when he comes
Is what we call a dinosaur sensation

Barneys hows us lots of things
Like how to play pretend
ABC's, and 123's
And how to be a friend

Barney comes to play with us 
Whenever we may need him
Barney can be your friend too 
If you just make-believe hime! 

Three little ducks 
Three little ducks went out one day 
Over the hills and far 
Mamma duck called 
Quack quack quack quack 
Two little ducks came swimming back 

Two little ducks went out one day 
Over the hills and far 
Mamma duck called 
Quack quack quack quack 
One little ducks came swimming back 

One little ducks went out one day 
Over the hills and far 
Mamma duck called 
Quack quack quack quack 
No little ducks came swimming back 

No little ducks went out one day 
Over the hills and far away
Mamma duck called
Quack quack quack quack
Three little ducks came swimming back.

Do your ears hang low?
Do your ears hang low 
Do they travel to and fro 
Can you tie them in knot 
Can you tie them in a bow 
Can you throw them over you shoulder 
Like a continental soldier 
Do your ears hang low?

I like to eat apples and bananas 
I like to ate ate ate apples and bananas
I like eat eat eat epples and benenes 
I like to ite ite ite ipples and bininis
I like to ote ote ote oplles and bononos
I like to ute ute ute upples and bununus 

rahman gunawan

"Kerjakanlah sesuatu secara tulus dan wajar, dan segalanya akan baik. 
 Kesempurnaan terletak pada motivasi kerja, bukan pada pekerjaan"

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Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
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