Mbak Niken, aku mau tanya nih gimana ngerti bahwa anak mbak alerghi dengan 
minyak kayu putih atau minyak tawon ??? tolong dong ??? apa saja gejalanya 

Niken Ariati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Idem ama mama nayma deh..lah wong daku 
sekeluarga juga addict banget ama
minyak tawon..apalagi yang botol gede asli makasar..dipake pas lagi
pegel..wuiihh nikmattt..
apalagi anak-anak kalo pada kejedot..n palanya benjol..cespleng dikasih
minyak tawon, buat bekas digigit nyamuk juga..(loh kok malah promosi??)
Sebenernya buat anakku, dari dulu aku udah nyari alternatif buat nggantiin
minyak tawon.. baunya kan bikin ilfil..tapi gagal soalnya anakku alergi pake
minyak kayu putih n beberapa balsem lain..alhasil ya tetep minyak tawon..
kalopun mengandung mercury..ya gimana lagi..paling frekuensinya agak

2007/8/27, Lif Rahayu 
> Mbak, yg saya baca sih banyak product yang dijual bebas bahkan di amrik
> pun
> ada yng mengandung merkuri, e.g lotion buat ngilangin diaper reash. Dan
> gak
> ada bukti minyak tawon mengadnung merkuri, katakanlah kalo ber su'uzon
> mengandung merkuri maka menurut saya sih gak papa, kan gak tiap hari make.
> Nah, kalo saya sih, minyak tawon gak pernah dipakai di daerah mulut biar
> gak
> keisep. Dan gak sebulan sekali Nayma pake minyak tawon. So, to my opion
> sih
> masih oke.
> Maaf kalo gak berkenan,
> mama Nayma
> On 8/27/07, aryani gani wrote:
> >
> > jadi minyak tawon ngak bole dipake dong?anakku suka banget pake minyak
> > tawon
> > n aku suka olesin jempolnya dengan minyak tawon karena luka akibat
> sering
> > di
> > isap..nah kalo gt minyak tawonnya juga ikutan ke isap dong..bagaimana
> > nih?minyak apa yang sebaiknya dipake n ngak berbahaya..very worry about
> > that..
> >
> > >From: "Lif Rahayu" 

> > >Reply-To:
> > >To:
> > >Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Minyak Tawon Mengandung Merkuri??
> > >Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 10:21:51 +0700
> > >
> > >Saya coba search2 di interent hubungan antara mercury dengan minyak
> tawon
> > >dan kemampuan mercury untuk ngempesin benjol...dapetnya ini, diambil
> dari
> > >wikipedia. semoga berguna.
> > >
> > >Mercury and its compounds have been used in medicine for centuries,
> > >although
> > >they are much less common today than they once were, now that the toxic
> > >effects of mercury and its compounds are more widely understood.
> > >
> > >Mercury(I) chloride
> > >(also known as
> > >calomel or mercurous chloride)
> has
> > >traditionally been used as a
> > >diuretic,
> > >topical disinfectant , and
> > >laxative . Mercury(II)
> > >chloride(also
> > >known as mercuric chloride or corrosive sublimate) was once used to
> > >treat syphilis (along with
> other
> > >mercury compounds), although it is so toxic that sometimes the symptoms
> > of
> > >its toxicity were confused with those of the syphilis it was believed
> to
> > >treat.[7] 
> It
> > >was also used as a disinfectant. Blue
> > >mass,
> > >a pill or syrup in which mercury is the main ingredient, was prescribed
> > >throughout the 1800s for numerous conditions including constipation,
> > >depression, child-bearing and
> > >toothaches.[8]<
> > >In
> > >the early 20th century, mercury was administered to children yearly as
> > >a
> > >laxative and dewormer, and it was used in teething powders for infants.
> > The
> > >mercury containing organohalide
> > >Mercurochromeis still
> > >widely used but has been banned in some countries such as the
> > >U.S.
> > >
> > >Since the 1930s some vaccines 
> have
> > >contained the preservative
> > >thiomersal,
> > >which is metabolized or degraded to ethyl
> > >mercury.
> > >Although it was widely
> > >speculatedthat
> > >this mercury-based preservative can cause or trigger
> > >autism in children, scientific
> > >studies
> > >showed no evidence supporting any such
> > >link.[9]> > >Nevertheless
> > >thiomersal has been removed from or reduced to trace amounts in
> > >all U.S. vaccines recommended for children 6 years of age and under,
> with
> > >the exception of inactivated influenza
> > >vaccine.[10]> >
> > >
> > >Mercury in the form of one of its common ores,
> > >cinnabar,
> > >remains an important component of
> > >Chinese,
> > >Tibetan , and
> > >Ayurvedicmedicine. As problems
> > >may arise when these medicines are exported to
> > >countries that prohibit the use of mercury in medicines, in recent
> times,
> > >less toxic substitutes have been devised.
> > >
> > >Today, the use of mercury in medicine has greatly declined in all
> > respects,
> > >especially in developed countries.
> > >Thermometers> > >and
> > >sphygmomanometers 
> > >containing
> > >mercury were invented in the early 18th and late 19th centuries,
> > >respectively. In the early 21st century, their use is declining and has
> > >been
> > >banned in some countries, states and medical institutions. In 2002, the
> > >U.S.
> > >Senate passed legislation to
> > >phase out the sale of
> > >non-prescription> > >mercury
> > >thermometers. In 2003,
> > >Washington and
> > >Mainebecame the first states to
> > >ban mercury blood pressure devices.
> > >[11] 
> Mercury
> > >compounds are found in some over-the-counter
> > >drugs,
> > >including topical antiseptics > >,
> > >stimulant laxatives ,
> > >diaper-rash
> > >ointment , eye
> > >drops,
> > >and nasal sprays . The
> > >FDA(FDA)
> > >has "inadequate data to establish general recognition of the safety
> > >and effectiveness," of the mercury ingredients in these
> > >products.[12]<
> > >Mercury
> > >is still used in some diuretics, although substitutes now exist for
> > >most therapeutic uses.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >On 8/26/07, iKa Nurlistiyo wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Dear,
> > > > tetanggaku ngasih tau,kalo minyak tawon gak boleh dipake lagi,krna
> > > > mengandung merkuri.makanya kalo benjol cepet sembuh.
> > > > bener gak siy??
> > > > trus gantinya apa dong yg lebih bagus??
> > > >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >

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