aldo desatura wrote:
kalo kita ke kota Lampung dari Jakarta menggunakan kendaraan
darat biasanya kita menggunakan jasa perahu penyebrangan di
Merak kapal Ferry namanya .. yang jadi pertanyaan saya kenapa
disebut kapal "ferry" ? trus gimana yah sejarah kapal tersebut
hingga disebut kapal "ferry"
to ferry : menyebrang / menyebrangkan dengan memotong arus
(sungai), menyebrangkan antar pulau.
Definitions of ferry on the Web:
* transport from one place to another
* a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of
water and operates on a regular schedule
* transport by ferry
* transport by boat or aircraft
* travel by ferry
* A ferry is a form of transport, usually a boat or ship, but
also other forms, carrying (or ferrying) passengers and sometimes
their vehicles. Ferries are also used to transport freight (in
lorries and sometimes unpowered freight containers) and even
railroad cars. ...
* To move a kayak or other water craft laterally across a current.
* a maneuver used to move back and forth across a river
* A maneuver used to cross a current with little or no down
stream travel. Utilizes the current's force to move the boat
* a boat that carries people or things across a river.
* A vessel which is limited in its use to the carriage of deck
passengers or vehicles or both, operates on a short run on a
frequent schedule between two or more points over the most direct
water route, other than in ocean or coastwise service.
* To cross a current or river, without moving downstream
* A boat which takes fare-paying passengers across a river, or
across the sea to an island
* ferry Crossing the current without moving downstream by
utilizing the current to move the boat laterally. This is done by
facing the boat upstream with a slight angle to the current.
* A maneuver that allows a paddler to get across the river
without losing ground. To ferry you point one end of the boat
upstream at an angle to the current and paddle against it to
neutralize it's force.
* a boat used to transport passengers, vehicles, or goods across
water, especially one operating regularly across a river or
narrow channel.
* Any vessel used to carry passengers across a harbor or river on
a regular basis.
Beli tanaman hias,
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