dasar tukul....

On 12/13/07, Dini Febrina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> tadi aku udah nengok kanan jendela loh...eh gantian tengok kiri..
> kayak nonton tenis :-D
> ________________________________
> From: Triagus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thu 12/13/2007 14:20
> To: Balita Anda
> Subject: [balita-anda] FW: Badai kah?
> Maaf, maksudnya di sebelah Barat.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Triagus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 13 Desember 2007 14:18
> To: Balita Anda
> Subject: Badai kah?
> Coba lihat awan di sebelah Timur.
> Seperti badai, benarkah??
> M. Tri Agustiyadi
> Divisi Kepatuhan BNI
> Telp. 5728569 / 08128549332
> <http://triagus.multiply.com/> http://triagus.multiply.com
> Visi, Misi & Value KPN
> Visi   : Menjadi partner yang independen dan profesional bagi unit-unit
> organisasi dalam mewujudkan BNI yang unggul dalam layanan
>            dan kinerja.
> Misi   : Memberikan kontribusi untuk menjadikan BNI sebagai Bank yang
> sehat dalam memaksimalkan stakeholder value melalui
>           sistem pengujian dan pemantauan kepatuhan yang optimal dan
> terpadu terhadap aktivitas unit organisasi.
> Value : Kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan intern dan ekstern
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Beli tanaman hias, http://www.toekangkeboen.com
> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The contents of this email and its attachments are intended only for the
> individual or entity addressed above and may contain confidential and/or
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> Any unauthorized use of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you
> receive this email in error, please contact us, then delete the email.
> Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely
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> written confirmation.
> Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the
> presence of viruses. PT Astra Honda Motor accepts no liability for any
> damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Beli tanaman hias, http://www.toekangkeboen.com
> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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