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* Nursing Through Pregnancy By Sora Feldman
Victoria BC Canada
>From NEW BEGINNINGS, Vol. 17 No. 4, July-August 2000, pp. 116-118, 145

We provide articles from our publications from previous years for reference
for our Leaders and members. Readers are cautioned to remember that research
and medical information change over time

Genevieve's first pregnancy was complicated with a medical condition that is
likely to recur. She and her husband are eager to have a second child, but
she is not ready to wean her toddler. Can she continue to nurse during a
pregnancy that will require medication and possibly a hospital stay?

Lucy has just miscarried a much-wanted baby. She was nursing her
10-month-old daughter and wonders if her breastfeeding caused the

Fran's son is only five months old and she has just discovered she is
pregnant again. Will she be able to continue to meet his nutritional needs
through breastfeeding?

Women who come to LLL meetings tend to breastfeed for a longer time than
average, so they may be more likely to become pregnant (or consider a
subsequent pregnancy) while still breastfeeding. As an LLL Leader who has
both nursed through a pregnancy and tandem nursed, I have fielded many
questions from women like Genevieve, Lucy, and Fran. Because of my special
interest, I have also corresponded with women who have nursed during
pregnancy in a wide variety of situations. I know of mothers who have
breastfed three consecutive siblings together, as well as several who have
nursed through a twin pregnancy and then tandem nursed the twins with the
older sibling. I have heard from mothers who nursed during pregnancies
complicated by placenta previa, thyroid disease, threatened preterm labor,
and severe nausea and vomiting. Their experiences (and the available
research) suggest that weaning for the health of the pregnancy may be
advisable for some women's individual situations. However, during most
pregnancies, continuing to nurse or deciding how long to nurse is a
parenting decision, not a medical question.

Health care providers may advise mothers to wean a baby or toddler
immediately when a subsequent pregnancy is confirmed. They may fear that
continuing to breastfeed during a pregnancy will slow the growth of the
developing fetus or will contribute to a miscarriage or preterm labor.
Cultural beliefs may also encourage weaning. Ruth Lawrence writes, "In some
societies it is believed that a suckling infant will 'take the spirit' from
the newly conceived fetus; thus weaning is mandated once the pregnancy is
confirmed." However, much of the written information available falls under
the category of educated guess or outright conjecture rather than scientific

One reason doctors may advise weaning is because of the effects of oxytocin
on the uterus. Research shows that repeated, ongoing nipple stimulation
through the use of a breast pump can bring on labor in a woman who is at
term. Breastfeeding immediately after birth helps the uterus to contract and
return to its pre-pregnancy state. Both of these effects occur because
nipple stimulation triggers release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes
milk "let-down" and also contractions of the uterus. However, there are
several reasons why continued breastfeeding should not pose a problem for
women with normal pregnancies.

The uterus is different during early pregnancy than it is at term or
immediately postpartum. It contains far fewer oxytocin receptor sites -
places where oxytocin can be absorbed. Between the first trimester and the
third trimester of pregnancy, the number of sites in the uterus becomes 12
times greater (then doubles or triples before labor begins). The lower
ability of the uterus to absorb oxytocin during early pregnancy suggests
that oxytocin will not cause effective contractions during that time. This
may be why inducing labor using intravenous oxytocin sometimes fails: the
uterus is not ready.

For most of pregnancy, progesterone is the dominant hormone. Toward the end
of pregnancy estrogen blood levels become higher than progesterone levels in
preparation for labor. Progesterone relaxes smooth muscle cells. Since the
walls of the gastrointestinal tract and veins have a smooth muscle layer,
this effect of progesterone can contribute to pregnancy discomforts such as
heartburn, varicose veins, and susceptibility to urinary tract infections.
At the same time, the high progesterone levels of pregnancy are highly
effective at keeping the smooth muscles of the uterus quiet until it is time
for labor to begin.

In the first few days postpartum, when milk production is just beginning,
women have very high levels of hormones related to milk production, which in
turn have a strong effect on the uterus. When the baby suckles, those
hormones affect the uterus. Over time, as the mother's body becomes
accustomed to the stimulation of the suckling infant, much lower hormone
levels are needed to maintain lactation. Once lactation is established,
hormone blood levels are actually not very high. So, oxytocin levels are
lower at a time when the uterus is less receptive to oxytocin. The kind of
nipple stimulation that has been shown to induce labor at term involves
using a hospital-grade breast pump for long periods of time. Even the most
enthusiastic nursing toddler is unlikely to breastfeed that long.

What about preterm labor? This situation is less clear-cut than threatened
first-trimester miscarriage, and it seems much more likely that a mother who
is experiencing symptoms of preterm labor might potentially benefit from at
least a temporary weaning. Prolonging pregnancy by a few days or even hours
can make a great difference to the health and viability of a premature baby.
Weaning may be advisable in a few cases when a woman is experiencing preterm
labor. MOTHERING MULTIPLES <> discourages nursing
through pregnancy if a twin pregnancy or higher order pregnancy is
confirmed. But weaning is unnecessary for the vast majority of women who are
not at risk of delivering a premature infant. Braxton-Hicks contractions, or
"toning" contractions, are present from six weeks of pregnancy on.
Particularly in second or subsequent pregnancies, it can be difficult to
distinguish Braxton-Hicks contractions from those of labor. Breastfeeding
can stimulate Braxton-Hicks contractions. If the contractions go away when
you stop nursing, put your feet up, and drink a few glasses of water
(dehydration can contribute to preterm labor), then it isn't labor.
Braxton-Hicks contractions can be surprisingly strong and regular, which is
why it can be hard to tell when "real" labor starts.

Overlap of breastfeeding and pregnancy may have been a fairly common
occurrence until recent generations, and is still common in some cultures
where extended breastfeeding is the norm. The few anthropological studies
which address the subject have cited "overlap" of breastfeeding and
pregnancy in 12 to 50 percent of pregnancies in countries such as Bangladesh
(12%), Senegal (30%), Java (40%) and Guatemala (50%) (Lawrence 1994). Many
of these mothers continue to breastfeed well into the second trimester of
pregnancy or beyond. In an article on the subject, Ruth Lufkin pointed out,
"the vast number of women in contact with LLL over many years constitute a
large, informal study population. If the practice of continuing to nurse
through pregnancy were responsible for significantly increased pregnancy
problems, it would surely have become apparent in our LLL population"
(Lufkin 1995).

Miscarriage occurs in an estimated 16 to 30 percent of all pregnancies, so
it will sometimes happen coincidentally when a mother is nursing. If family
members or medical professionals suggest that breastfeeding caused the
miscarriage, it may reinforce any guilt that the mother already feels. One
mother whose doctor advised her to wean at the first sign of threatened
miscarriage felt that she was placed in a position of having to choose
between two babies. Losing a baby is always painful, but having a doctor
tell you that you are responsible for a miscarriage can be devastating.

How will a subsequent pregnancy affect your breastfeeding relationship? No
two women experience it in exactly the same way. Your child's age,
personality, and current nursing patterns will be factors, as will your
physical and psychological reaction to the pregnancy and your feelings about
continued breastfeeding (which often cannot be predicted before the event).
Think about whether your child is breastfeeding primarily for nutrition or
comfort and how he will respond to substitutions for nursing for some or all
of these needs. Only you can find a balance that will work for you.
Breastfeeding through a pregnancy can bring on very intense feelings for
both you and your child. "My daughter would have kept nursing even if it had
been motor oil coming out of my breast," one mother told me.
Sore Nipples

Most, but by no means all women, experience pain or discomfort in the breast
or nipples or emotional discomfort related to being both pregnant and still
nursing. One study listed pain as the most common reason for weaning during
pregnancy followed by fatigue and irritability (Bumgarner 2000).

One mother said, "I had to wean him at night. I just couldn't stand it any
more. It got to the point where I would rather walk the halls with him for
two hours than let him touch my breasts again."

Hormonal levels are as unique as fingerprints, as can be seen in the wide
variety of "normal" menstrual cycles. The extent to which you have tender
breasts and nipples and discomfort nursing just before your menstrual period
may predict the severity of these symptoms during pregnancy, since estrogen
and progesterone may cause these symptoms. However, even women who do not
find breastfeeding bothersome premenstrually may not be comfortable nursing
while pregnant.

The nipple soreness of pregnancy is caused by the mother's hormone levels,
so treatment may not help. It is also different from woman to woman. An LLL
Leader can offer ideas about managing the pain.
Decreased milk supply

Most women also experience decreased milk supply when pregnant. Because many
of the scientific studies of nursing during pregnancy have been done after
the experience had ended, reports of decreased milk supply may not offer us
an accurate picture of when and to what extent pregnancy changes breast
Bumgarner writes about a study that tested the milk of three pregnant
mothers over several months. "About the second month of pregnancy, the milk
began to undergo changes similar to those observed during the course of
weaning. Concentrations of sodium and protein gradually increased while milk
volume, along with concentrations of glucose, lactose, and potassium,
gradually fell. In weaning, these changes are brought on by decreased
suckling, but they occurred in the pregnant women even when they continued
nursing as much or even more than before the pregnancy." In Breastfeeding: A
Guide for the Medical Profession <> author Ruth
Lawrence suggests that it is usually not possible to increase the milk
supply during pregnancy, "but milk usually returns toward the end of the
pregnancy and is completely regenerated at delivery." However, some mothers
have found that careful attention to nutrition, or using vitamin or herbal
supplements, helped them maintain an adequate milk supply during pregnancy.

High levels of estrogens and progesterone are known to suppress milk
production. At some point during pregnancy, probably during the second
trimester, your milk will change to colostrum. (Some cultures believe that
colostrum is unclean, which may contribute to taboos against breastfeeding
during pregnancy.) Although some women produce colostrum in copious amounts,
the quantity of milk will be much lower once the change occurs. In addition,
the taste and composition change dramatically. Some babies and toddlers will
wean themselves when the milk changes. Others are not bothered. One
two-year-old nursling told her mother at the beginning of the mother's
second trimester, "The milk tastes like cream and strawberries!" The change
to colostrum is hormonally caused and cannot be delayed or affected by what
or how much you eat or drink.

If your baby is less than six months of age and completely dependent on
breast milk for sustenance when you conceive, your ability to nourish him
during the next pregnancy may be of primary concern. Careful observation of
his health and continued growth and weight gain is in order. Supplemental
feedings of some sort may be needed. Older babies and toddlers who already
eat a variety of other foods will demonstrate an increased appetite for
these foods as your milk supply decreases.

Eating well and wisely helps assure that your own nutritional reserves are
not exhausted. However, continuing to breastfeed will not deprive your
unborn baby of needed nutrients. You may feel ravenously hungry while
pregnant and nursing. It is important to eat healthful, wholesome foods
whenever you are hungry and drink to thirst. Some sources advise that a
pregnant women who is breastfeeding should eat "as if for a twin pregnancy."

Why is it that some little ones lose interest in the breast and wean
themselves as the milk changes and is less abundant, while other children
seem to show an increased attachment to breastfeeding when their mothers
become pregnant? One mother said, "To nurse through a pregnancy requires a
child who needs a great deal more than milk. My three-year-old daughter
Elizabeth demonstrated a great need for oral satisfaction, physical contact,
continuous mother-type affection, and constant reassurance that we would not
desert her." Babies vary widely in the extent to which they are willing and
able to have their needs met in ways other than nursing: The real and
present need of the child in their arms motivates some mothers to persevere
with nursing despite the doubts and discomforts brought on by a subsequent

Norma Jane Bumgarner writes: "We have been schooled to think of nursing as a
bad habit that will go on forever if we do not somehow eliminate the
opportunities for nursing and get the child to forget about it. But nursing
is not a sneaky way little people have of dominating adults. Rather it is
the manifestation of infantile needs in the growing child. When children
wean spontaneously it is not because they forget about it, but because they
outgrow the need."

At the same time, mothers should not discount their own feelings. Negative
feelings are quite common while breastfeeding through a pregnancy and the
physical discomfort can be considerable. It's possible that those negative
feelings are a natural way of encouraging mothers to focus on the coming
baby who is more vulnerable than the older child.

When breastfeeding and pregnancy overlap, the critical factors to consider
in decision-making are feelings and relationships. Only the mother can
decide how to proceed based on her own needs and feelings and those of her
little ones. Mothers who become pregnant while breastfeeding need to know
that most of the common objections to nursing during pregnancy are
unfounded. In a culture where extended nursing is unusual, choosing to nurse
during pregnancy will inevitably be questioned and challenged. It is
important to lay to rest the myths and fears that undermine a mother's
responsibility to determine the course of action that is right for her and
her child.

Sora Feldman is an LLL Leader who has corresponded extensively with mothers
who are breastfeeding though pregnancies. She is a full-time wife and
mother, and part-time student midwife. She will soon be moving from
Victoria, British Columbia, to Ithaca, New York, with her husband Matt and
children Talia, 5, and Aedan, 3.

On 1/22/08, Irma Sri Aryani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeng Lif, mungkin lebih baik di jalum aja, copy paste :)
> Krn ini info yg bagus banget & banyak yg memerlukan. Thanks Sayyy....
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lif Rahayu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] benar atau tidak
> > Hihihihi, ya enggak lah bu. Jadi gini, kalau kehamilannya tidak
> > bermasalah,
> > silakan menyusui. Kadang *bagi beberapa wanita ya* gak semua, menyusui
> > bisa
> > membuat rahim terkontraksi sehingga mudah keguguran.
> >
> > Tar lagi nyari artikelnya.
> >
> > Kalo bikin keracunan, ya enggak lah.
> >
> >
> >
> > On 1/22/08, fithri Purwanti Devi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> Ini sy ada artikel mudah2an dpt k buka, tapi dpt dari mana sy lupa?!
> >> Sapa ta'u mom n dad ta'u tolong d koreksi/tambah.
> >>
> >> Smoga membantu
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: tprahayu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 10:36 AM
> >> To: balita anda
> >> Subject: [balita-anda] benar atau tidak
> >>
> >> Moms and dad mau tanya, benar tidak sih kalau ibu sedan hamil itu
> >> tidak boleh menyusui bayinya. Katanya si bayi bakal keracunan. Apa
> >> benar ?
> >>
> >> Mohon ilmunya dibagi-bagi ya
> >>
> >> Tq
> >> Puji
> >>
> >>
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