(See attached file: Blood Type Characteristic.ZIP)

I am awfully sorry ... saya kirim dalam bentuk attachment saja deh.


                      "andi supriono"                                                  
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               
                      net>             To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
                      10/15/2003 05:35 Subject:                                        
                      PM                       Re: [balita-anda] OOT                   
                      Please respond                                                   
                      to balita-anda                                                   

aku liat udah pusing , duluan
gimana yg lainnya?
masuk karakter mana ya?
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 16:31:01 +0700
>Coba deh cocokin ama karakter para anggota balita anda
>..... hehehe :-)

>|            |GROUP O: they can't     |GROUP A: they are
>      |GROUP B: they can't    |GROUP AB: they are      |
>|            |stand people who hide   |pessimistic and
>too     |take orders easily     |romantic and
>|            |the truth               |sensitive
>              |                       |
>                       |

>|BASIC       |      Make objectives   |      Be very
>careful   |      Make decision    |      Be extremely
>     |
>|BEHAVIOUR   |      clear             |      about
>decision    |      fast             |      practical
>        |
>|            |      Posses great deal |      making.
>          |      Can be flexible  |      Can be excellent
> |
>|            |      of confidence.    |      Make things
>clear |      Don't care about |      analyst           |
>|            |      They are honest,  |      in black and
>     |      rules            |      Give fair         |
>|            |      optimistic and    |      white.
>           |      Respect          |      criticisms
>       |
>|            |      energetic         |      Care too
>much     |      scientific and   |      Can't decide when
>|            |                        |      about social
>rules|      practical finding|      it comes to       |
>|            |                        |      and
>standard.     |                       |      important
>issues. |

>|Tolerance   |      Their strength and|      Has high
>tolerance|      Maintain the     |      Try to be hard
>   |
>|            |      endurance depend  |      regardless
>of     |      longest interest |      working           |
>|            |      on their aim.     |      physical of
>      |      in whatever they |      Can be quite      |
>|            |      They can give up  |      repetitious
>work  |      do               |      impatient.        |
>|            |      easily when they  |      Can't take
>       |      Seem to be       |                        |
>|            |      find a job        |      frequent
>changes  |      impatient        |
>                       |
>|            |      meaningless.      |      easily
>           |      Can't stand      |
>                       |
>|            |                        |      Can easily
>lose   |      repetitious work |                        |
>|            |                        |      interest in
>their |                       |                        |
>|            |                        |      hobby
>            |                       |
>                       |

>|How do they |      They are positive |      They must
>try very|      It is hard for   |      They are
>|see their   |      about their past  |      hard to
>forget    |      them to let go   |      sentimental
>      |
>|future and  |      thus they normally|      about their
>past. |      recent affairs.  |      towards there     |
>|past        |      don't regret about|      They are
>         |      But they are able|      past.
>            |
>|            |      their past.       |      pessimistic
>about |      to forget about  |      They are more     |
>|            |      They seek         |      their
>future.     |      their past bad   |      concern about
>    |
>|            |      financial         |
>                       |      memories.        |
>     their immediate   |
>|            |      stability for the |
>                       |      They are         |
>     problem than      |
>|            |      future.           |
>                       |      optimistic about |
>     anything else     |
>|            |                        |
>                       |      their future.    |
>                       |

>|How do they |      They are usually  |      They are
>able to  |      They are very    |      They are
>         |
>|express     |      stable and calm   |      display a
>cool    |      expressive       |      sentimental
>      |
>|their       |      But they are very |      outlook even
>when |      They can be a    |      They are usually  |
>|emotion     |      sensitive towards |      they are
>angry    |      cool and         |      cool and steady.
> |
>|            |      sincerity.        |      They are
>actually |      objective        |      But they can get
> |
>|            |      They give         |      quite
>            |      Although they    |      upset coz of
>an   |
>|            |      straightforward   |
>     short-tempered.   |      joke a great     |
>     immediate problem |
>|            |      opinions.         |      They need a
>longer|      deal, they are   |      bugging them      |
>|            |                        |      time to heal
>a    |      actually very    |      Some get moody    |
>|            |                        |      broken
>heart.     |      shy.             |      easily.
>          |
>|            |                        |      They are too
>     |      They change their|                        |
>|            |                        |      sensitive
>towards |      mood like        |
>                       |
>|            |                        |      other's
>opinions. |      weather.         |
>                       |
>|            |                        |
>                       |      They can't stop  |
>                       |
>|            |                        |
>                       |      complaining then |
>                       |
>|            |                        |
>                       |      they get angry.  |
>                       |

>|How do they |      Their             |      They are
>         |      They are full of |      They have ability
>|work        |      concentration     |
>     perfectionist     |      creativity and   |      to
>handle a wide  |
>|            |      varies from time  |      They handle
>one   |      posses many new  |      scope of job      |
>|            |      to time depending |      thing at a
>time   |      ideas            |      They value hard   |
>|            |      on their aim      |      They draw a
>lien  |      They can't       |      work              |
>|            |      They mostly prefer|      between work
>and  |      differentiate    |      They are quick in |
>|            |      to lead           |      personal
>affairs  |      between work and |      understanding
>    |
>|            |      They tend to      |      They are
>highly   |      hobby            |      They are not very
>|            |      overlook details  |      responsible
>people|      They can't take  |      responsible and   |
>|            |                        |      When they
>choose a|      orders           |      unable to
>        |
>|            |                        |      hobby they
>tent to|      They will not    |      follow-up till a  |
>|            |                        |      choose one
>that   |      hesitate to      |      job is completed. |
>|            |                        |      will release
>     |      introduce        |      They posses good  |
>|            |                        |      stress.
>          |      innovative change|      sense of art.
>    |
>|            |                        |
>                       |      and are not worry|
>                       |
>|            |                        |
>                       |      about other's    |
>                       |
>|            |                        |
>                       |      critics          |
>                       |

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