Mbak Elis,

Beda utamanya adalah pada rubella, biasanya demam yang terjadi tidak tinggi,
hanya mild fever saja, skitar 37.5-38 deg C, kadang2 saja bisa 38.5 deg C,
jika roseola, demam yang terjadi demam tinggi, sampai 39.5 deg C, dan
langsung turun setelah 3-5 hari, bertepatan dengan munculnya bintik2 merah.

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Rubella, also known as German measles, is a contagious, viral
illness. Symptoms usually arise about 14 days after exposure to the rubella
virus. Symptoms of rubella include:

   - mild fever
   - rash of pink-red spots that starts on the face and moves downward
   rapidly. The rash covers the body within 24 hours.
   - enlarged lymph nodes at the back of the neck

Rubella is difficult to diagnose because there are many other types of
rashes that look the same. A definite
diagnosis<javascript:ShowContent('gloss_holder1300')>usually cannot be
made unless there is an outbreak of the disease in the
community or a special blood test is done.
Treating rubella

Rubella is a mild disease, and your baby should recover without any specific
treatment in three to four days.

If your baby has a fever over 38.5°C (101°F) or is particularly
uncomfortable, try giving him some acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Follow the
instructions provided on the medication package. No other treatment is

Bring your baby to see a doctor right away if his rash develops into purple
spots or if he starts acting very sick. Also bring him to see a doctor if
his fever lasts more than three days or his rash becomes itchy.
Preventing rubella

There is no immunization against rubella for young infants; however, a
vaccine for rubella can be given at age 12 to 18 months as part of the
measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) immunization. All children should be
vaccinated against rubella according to the schedule recommended by the
public health agency in your region. Protection against rubella is very
important for all girls and women of child-bearing age.

Rubella is very dangerous in pregnancy, and can cause many severe birth
defects. Therefore, if your baby has rubella, keep him away from pregnant
women. If your baby comes into contact with any women of childbearing age,
let them know so that they can seek medical attention if necessary.
Non-pregnant women who are exposed to rubella should refrain from getting
pregnant for three months after exposure to the virus.
Roseola infantum

Roseola is a rash caused by the human herpes virus 6. It most commonly
occurs in children six months to three years of age. The symptoms include:

   - high fever for the first two to four days, which disappears very
   rapidly around the time the rash appears
   - a fine pink rash, mostly on the middle of the body, that lasts one
   or two days

Roseola remains contagious until the rash is completely gone.
Treating roseola infantum

There is no particular treatment necessary for roseola. Most babies and
children with this condition do not feel very sick. However, if your baby's
fever is particularly high, you may wish to give him acetaminophen or
ibuprofen. Follow the instructions provided on the medication package. No
other treatment is necessary.

Bring your baby to see the doctor right away if the spots become purple or
blood-coloured or if your baby acts very sick. Also bring him to the doctor
if the fever lasts more than four days or the rash lasts longer than three
Fifth disease

Fifth disease <javascript:ShowContent('gloss_holder6015')> is an infection
caused by parvovirus B19. It causes a rash on the face and a lacy red rash
on the trunk and limbs. Sometimes the rash is itchy. There may be other
symptoms such as low-grade fever and cold symptoms before the rash breaks

A person who is infected with parvovirus B19 is contagious in the first few
days before the rash appears. The disease is spread through the respiratory
secretions of people who are still contagious with the virus. The rash
usually appears about four days to two weeks after being exposed to the
virus. By the time the rash is visible, the baby is not contagious anymore,
and he can return to day care or school. After someone has been infected
with parvovirus B19, he becomes immune from infection with the virus in the

The parvovirus B19 affects only humans. It is different from other
parvoviruses that affect cats and dogs. Therefore, a baby cannot "catch"
fifth disease from a pet that has parvovirus.
Treating fifth disease

Fifth disease is usually a mild illness, and the rash goes away in seven to
10 days. Usually, no treatment is needed for fifth disease.

However, if the baby or child has sickle cell
other forms of chronic <javascript:ShowContent('gloss_holder1264')>
leukemia, or other forms of cancer, he can become very sick if he develops
fifth disease. These babies and children need to be treated by their
Hand, foot, and mouth disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a very contagious illness caused by the
Coxsackie A16 virus. The illness usually occurs in children from six months
to four years of age.

Symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease usually arise three to six days
after exposure to the virus, and they include:

   - fever between 37.8°C and 38.9°C (100°F and 102°F), lasting three to
   four days
   - small, painful ulcers in the mouth, lasting about seven days
   - small water blisters or red spots located on the palms of the hands,
   the soles of the feet, and the webs between the fingers and toes, lasting
   about 10 days
   - sometimes small blisters or red spots on the buttocks

Some babies and children who have painful mouth ulcers refuse to drink
enough fluid and become dehydrated.
Treating hand, foot, and mouth disease

   - If your baby will take a cup, try giving him fluids this way rather
   than using a bottle. Bottle feeding can make the pain from mouth ulcers
   - If he is already eating solid food, offer him a soft
   Cold drinks, milkshakes, popsicles, and sherbet can help soothe his sore
   mouth. Avoid citrus and salty or spicy foods, as they can irritate the
   - If your baby's mouth ulcers are severely painful or if he has a
   fever above 38.5°C (101°F), give him acetaminophen or ibuprofen according to
   the directions on the package.

If your baby has not urinated for more than eight hours, or if he acts very
sick, bring him to the doctor right away. Also bring him to the doctor if
his fever lasts more than three days.

2008/4/24 Elis Murti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> bedanya apa ya antara terkena virus rubella sama roseola? keiknya
> ciri-ciri kalau terkena virus itu kok nggak jauh beda.
>  salam
>   Elis
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