Goji jus itu product amerika tapi asalnya dari himalaya tibet china. bagus 
banget buat kesehatan badan and stamina juga immune system tubuh. makanya dgn 
minum ini memperbaiki dari dalam tubuh, efeknya banyak sekali utk berbagai 
macam penyakit tuh...
kalo mau liat kesaksian bisa ke www.gojihealthstories.com

kesaksian vertigo


I was praying to feel better, have more energy, and overcome my depression and 
anxiety. God, led me to Charlotte, who is in her 50's, walks 6-8 miles a day 
and is ecstatic about her Goji juice. After hearing how Goji juice has changed 
so many lives, I made a decision on July 1, 2006, to see if it could change 
mine. I committed to trying the juice for 90 days and I am so happy that I did.

After two days of the juice detoxing my system, I began to see changes. The 
first change was an increase in my energy level and a brightening of my mood 
and spirit. The second change was after two weeks, my dizziness and disoriented 
feeling completely went away. I have had all the inner ear tests and was 
diagnosed with Vertigo, which they say there is no cure. After having my son, 
the symptoms got worse. Just going to the store was an ordeal, with the bright 
fluorescent lights, I would get so dizzy and disoriented that I could not find 
my car after leaving the store. Well, guess what! I can now fight the crowds 
with a smile on my face and I don't have any problems finding my car!

The third big thing that I noticed is that my back pain is better. I crushed my 
12th Thoracic vertebra on August 1, 1999. I wore a back brace for 3 1/2 months 
and have been seeing chiropractors ever since. In the past, I took Ibuprofen 
like candy to try and help relieve the pain, and when it would rain I would 
take even more. After drinking Goji juice for 2 1/2 months my back pain has 
improved 95%. I don't have to take Ibuprofen anymore to relieve the pain, and I 
don't have to see the chiropractor every week. In fact, I have only seen my 
chiropractor twice since I started drinking this wonderful juice and that was 
only when it had rained for several days.

I took a chance and listened to my heart. I truly believe that God answered my 
prayers. Thank you Charlotte, Steve and Kay and everyone else who loves Goji 
juice as much as I do.

My dad has always said, "When you loose your health, you loose everything." 
Change your health and do it with Goji juice! 

Leisa S., Conway, Arkansas


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: anna 2111 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 10:48 AM
  Subject: goji jus ??

  Siang Hery, mo nanya goji jus tsb product mana ya?
  Aku baru dgr. Sebenernya awal mula aku vertigo , aku tu tidur2an di sofa pas 
mo liat jam didinding kepalaku ketekuk kebelkg , mungkin uratku kejepit x ya. 
Pas aku bangun lgs dunia rasanya muter balik. waktu itu aku lg kena radang 
telinga kyk gatal bgt didlmnya. trus aku bersihin pk cotton buds tp malah parah 
smp kluar air kyk org congean. dokter THT bilang telinga ku bersih tp ada 
radang merah di telinga krn aku keseringan bersihin telinga yg mengakibatkan 
kena saraf keseimbangan yg terletak didlm telinga kita(bentuknya spt rmh siput 
gt lo). Aku ke dokter saraf  dikasi obat u/ perlancar aliran darah diotak, 
malah aku tambah parah pusingnya. Aku obatin dgn akupunktur, prana o/ 
romo(pastur) Karold smp terapy vcd senam sgl lo u/ leher. Tp tetep aja ga bisa 
sembuh vertigo tsb, cuma agak mendingan aja tapi kl jln bisa miring2 . 1 bulan 
aku ga kerja. Mungkin krn da bosen bgt x ya, e vertigonya ilang sdr. Aneh n ga 
enak  bgt kl vertigo.
  Gitu aja sharenya aku 


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