ohh jualan goji jus ya pak??
nyamar bgt ternyata ....

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Petrus Heryanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Healthy Kids
> Keeping your children healthy is not an easy task. Colds, flu and other
> contagious diseases often spread with lightning speed and children tend to
> be the most vulnerable. Unlike adults, young children may not have been
> exposed to many common germs. Their immune systems may not have had the
> chance to develop resistance to infection.
> And yet, some children appear to have a greater natural resistance to
> contagious diseases. These are the lucky kids who either do not get sick
> or who always seem to bounce back quickly whenever they do catch a bug.
> The good news is that you can help your children to be the same way by
> following a few healthy guidelines.
> Are Your Children Eating Themselves Sick?
> TV commercials try to persuade kids to choose fast foods, high-fat snacks,
> high-sugar drinks and cereals. This type of diet cannot keep your children
> healthy. To the contrary, it actually suppresses the immune system and
> increases the risk of disease. The typical modern diet is also largely
> responsible for the recent epidemic of childhood obesity. Children who are
> overweight are likely to become overweight adults. They may develop type 2
> diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and other illnesses that can
> follow them into adulthood. Overweight children can also suffer from
> stress, sadness and low self-esteem.
> Lose Weight Naturally with Goji
> In an important study, GOJI's master molecule polysaccharides were shown
> to reduce body weight by enhancing the conversion of food into energy
> instead of fat.
> Eating well and being physically active are keys to your child's
> well-being. The combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise will
> not only help to keep them well when they're young, but will also build up
> their resistance to disease and protect them later in life.
> All children benefit from healthy eating and physical activity. A balanced
> diet and being active help children:
> grow
> learn
> build strong bones and muscles
> have energy
> maintain a healthy weight
> avoid obesity-related diseases like type 2 diabetes
> get plenty of nutrients
> feel good about themselves
> Shaping Good Eating and Activity Habits for Your Child
> Parents play a big role in shaping children's eating habits. When parents
> eat a variety of foods that are low in fat and sugar and high in fiber,
> children learn to like these foods as well. It may take 10 or more tries
> before a child accepts a new food, so do not give up if your child does
> not like a new food right away.
> Parents have an effect on children's physical activity habits as well. You
> can set a good example by going for a walk or bike ride after dinner
> instead of watching television. Playing ball or jumping rope with your
> children shows them that being active is fun.
> Tips for Parents:
> Make sure your child eats breakfast. Breakfast provides children with the
> energy they need to listen and learn in school.
> Offer your child a wide variety of foods such as grains, vegetables,
> fruits, low-fat dairy products and lean meat or beans.
> Talk with your health care provider if you are concerned about your
> child's eating habits or weight.
> Cook with less fat. Bake, roast or poach foods instead of frying.
> Limit the amount of added sugar in your child's diet.
> Involve your child in planning and preparing meals. Children may be more
> willing to eat the dishes they help make.
> Be a role model for your children. If they see you being physically active
> and having fun, they are more likely to be active and stay active
> throughout their lives.
> Encourage your child to be active everyday. Involve the whole family in
> activities like hiking, biking, dancing, basketball or roller skating.
> Other Ways to Safeguard the Health of Your Child
> Eliminate secondhand smoke &#8212; According to Dr. Beverly Kingsley of
> the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cigarette smoke contains
> more than 4,000 toxins. Kids are more susceptible than adults to the
> harmful effects of secondhand smoke. It increases a child&#8217;s risk of
> SIDS, bronchitis, ear infections and asthma. It may also affect
> intelligence and neurological development. If you absolutely can't quit
> smoking, you can reduce your child&#8217;s health risks considerably by
> smoking only outside the house.
> Enforce regular sleep &#8212; Many older children, especially high school
> students, are sleep-deprived. Irregular sleep reduces activity of natural
> killer cells, a key immune function. Parents should help their children
> plan schedules that permit eight to ten hours of sleep per night.
> For children of any age, daytime relaxation can produce important health
> benefits. A period of quiet, focused relaxation each day relieves anxiety,
> improves nighttime sleep and stimulates immune function.
> Goji for Pleasant Dreams
> Goji has enjoyed long use throughout Asia in the natural treatment of
> insomnia. As a wholesome food, it has none of the dangers associated with
> sleeping pills.
> Goji &#8212; Immune Power for Your Child
> One of the most beneficial uses of GOJI is its ability to strengthen the
> immune system to protect your child against disease. In traditional Asian
> medicine, the GOJI berry is renowned as an adaptogen, meaning that it has
> a rare ability to help your child to adapt to adverse conditions. In
> dozens of laboratory and clinical studies, GOJI has been shown to boost
> immune function. With daily use, it supports the body's own processes to
> maintain peak health and prevent development of disease.
> Usual Dosage Level
> For growing children, research suggests a daily usage of 30 to 60ml of
> high-quality standardized GOJI juice, taken with meals or before exercise
> or play activities.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Info tanaman hias: http://www.toekangkeboen.com
> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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