2008/7/23 Dini Maretna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Aku pengen banget hamil lagi, karena anak aku dah berumur 2 tahun 3 bulan.
> Cuma aku kan suka banget minum kopi, sehari sekali. Kopinya pake cream gitu.
> Boleh ga siy ngopi setiap hari kalo kita pengen hamil lagi? Makasiy.

Your caffeine habit and fertility

I've heard that caffeine affects fertility. Does it, and if so, how?

Caffeine may lower your chances of conceiving, even if you don't drink
or eat large quantities of the stimulant, but the evidence is not

One widely reported study found that taking in more than "moderate
amounts" of caffeine can lower your likelihood of conceiving by as
much as 27 per cent compared to women with low caffeine intakes.
Moderate amounts, in this case, were the equivalent of three cups of
coffee a day or six cups of tea or eight cans of cola, which works out
at about 300 milligrams (mg). In this study, even modest consumption
appeared to hinder conception, with women who drank only one to two
cups daily lowering their chances of conceiving by 10 per cent.

However, other studies have reached different conclusions. One study
found that drinking half a cup of tea each day doubled the chances of
conception per cycle, while other caffeinated drinks had no effect.
Another study found that women who had an intake of 400-700mg of
caffeine a day had higher rates of conception than women who had low
intakes, but women with intakes of over 700mg per day took longer to
conceive. The conclusion of another study suggested that caffeine had
no effect on conception at intakes of less than 300mg per day. The
evidence is clearly contradictory, so what should you do?

After reviewing all the available evidence in 2001, the Organisation
of Teratology Information Services based in the US and Canada
concluded that: 'Low to moderate caffeine consumption (less than 300mg
per day) does not seem to reduce a woman's chance of becoming

If you're receiving fertility treatment then reducing your caffeine
intake could help. There is clearer evidence that caffeine reduces the
chance of success for women trying to have a baby using assisted
reproductive technologies, such as IVF or GIFT.

Researchers don't really know why or how a high caffeine intake could
be related to delayed conception or infertility. One theory suggests
that the stimulant affects ovulation by causing changes in hormone
levels, which in turn hampers conception. (In contrast, caffeine may
actually help men's fertility by stimulating sperm motility; see our
article on diet for a healthy dad-to-be.)

If you've been trying to get pregnant for several months without
success, try limiting your total intake of caffeine in coffee, tea,
cola and cocoa, especially if you regularly take in more than 300mg a
day. As current recommendations are to keep your caffeine intake at
these lower levels once you become pregnant, it makes sense to get
into the habit while you're trying to conceive. (Read more on caffeine
and pregnancy.)

How much caffeine is in my favourite foods and drinks?

Caffeine is a common ingredient in food and drinks, so getting a big
dose is easier than you might think. The following is a quick guide,
based on information from the Food Standards Agency, as to how much
caffeine there may be in your favourite drinks and chocolate bars:

• 1 mug of instant coffee = 100mg
• 1 cup of instant coffee = 75mg
• 1 cup of brewed coffee = 100mg
• 1 cup of tea = 50mg
• 1 can of cola = 40mg
• 1 can of "energy" drink = 80mg
• 1 x 50g bar of plain chocolate = up to 50mg
• 1 x 50g bar of milk chocolate = up to 25mg

You can see that if you had a couple of mugs of coffee, a can of cola
and a chocolate bar in one day you'd already be almost be up to your
300mg advised limit.

Reviewed March 2007

See also: http://www.google.co.id/search?q=cafeine+fertility

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