Dijual serial Supernanny Season 2
Harga 60rb+ongkos kirim (4 dvd)

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Sekilas tentang Jo Frost, si Supernanny:
Jo Frost, as Supernanny, can tame the wildest toddler, soothe the savage 
six-year-old and get the most difficult child to overcome problems with 
behavior, sleep, mealtime, potty training and other challenges that have vexed 
parents around the world for centuries. After just three episodes of the show 
aired in the U.K. in summer 2004, Jo Frost became Britain's hottest new TV star 
and godsend to desperate parents who were dazzled by her amazing results with 
unruly children. She debuted in America in early 2005 and captivated Americans 
as well with her practical, no-nonsense style, honed over 16 years of nannying.

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