----- Original Message ----- 
From: mel/chan 
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 9:40 AM
Subject: Fw: Actual Process of Baby Born

udah pada dapet pics proses kelahiran baby beneran gak..buat yg belon and mo liat, ta 
share deh..mumpung lagi ol.. japri aja ya.. 
hueh, sendiri udah ngalamin aja ampe lemes2 deh liatnya...

mama neal


Hey there,

For those of you who yet have become parents, these pictures are not meant to scare or 
shock you outta your wits. Neither do I find them sexually offensive, or "RA" in any 
way. These pictures actually bring me to a very
close level of understanding how amazing it is to welcome a little one into the world 
with open arms... and to be grateful to the one who gave birth to us...

Of course, to prepare us for what could be the most beautiful moment of your life in 
time to come! (Hey guys, don't think I'm just referring to the ladies, ok!)

It aint easy giving birth to us.. so let's give our mum 3 cheers and always remember 
the great pains she took in bringing us into this world.. ya?

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