Moderator minta tolong direlease ya..thx b4 n Have a nice weekend
Life’s like a
book, everyday has a new page with things to write and to remember. So are you
ready to give a good chapter for your children in their life? Let’s find good
school for them & get education by heart. 


Pernah denger
istilah ini : Active learning…pasti sering denger istilah ini digunakan
dibanyak sekolah,salah satu yang mengusung konsep ini adalah High/Scope 
Bintaro,penasaran dong pastinya, gimana neh konsep diterapkan bareng dengan
curriculum nasional ??? Apalagi konsepnya dimix dengan system multi
aging,apalagi neh… 


penasaran,cari tau yuuuukkkkk....Ini dia bocorannya : 


High/Scope Indonesia  
cabang Bintaro yang dimana neh?  Apa program yang ditawarkan? 

            Sekolah High/Scope Indonesia - Bintaro (sebelum tol bintaro serpong)

Jl. Tegal Rotan
Raya No. 100, Bintaro
More Info : 

(021) 74864640-41 dengan Ms. Lala atau email :

Paket yang ditawarkan : 

Program Early Childhood dari 1.5-5tahun 

Program Elementary dari 5-12 tahun

Happiness  Comes Not Becoz We Do Great Things But We Do Small Things With Great 
My mother taught me very early to believe I could achieve any accomplishment I 
wanted to. The 1st was to walk without braces.To give real service you must add 
something which cannot be bought or measured with money, & that is sincerity 
and integrity.


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