Life’s like a
book, everyday has a new page with things to write and to remember. So are you
ready to give a good chapter for your children in their life? Let’s find good
school for them & get education by heart. 


Pernah denger
istilah ini : Active learning…pasti sering denger istilah ini digunakan
dibanyak sekolah,salah satu yang mengusung konsep ini adalah High/Scope 
Bintaro,penasaran dong pastinya, gimana neh konsep diterapkan bareng dengan
curriculum nasional ??? Apalagi konsepnya dimix dengan system multi
aging,apalagi neh… 


penasaran,cari tau yuuuukkkkk....Ini dia bocorannya : 


High/Scope Indonesia  
cabang Bintaro yang dimana neh?  Apa program yang ditawarkan? 

            Sekolah High/Scope Indonesia - Bintaro (sebelum tol bintaro serpong)

Jl. Tegal Rotan
Raya No. 100, Bintaro
More Info : 

(021) 74864640-41 dengan Ms. Lala atau email :

Paket yang ditawarkan : 

Program Early Childhood dari 1.5-5tahun 

Program Elementary dari 5-12 tahun
ppsstttt..there's special price with the best deal to offers 

Happiness  Comes Not Becoz We Do Great Things But We Do Small Things With Great 
My mother taught me very early to believe I could achieve any accomplishment I 
wanted to. The 1st was to walk without braces.To give real service you must add 
something which cannot be bought or measured with money, & that is sincerity 
and integrity.


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