Oh tentu tidak sama sekali mengganti ke sufor.
Justru pengetahuan ttg makanan yang boleh dan tidak boleh dikonsumsi oleh
ibu itu lah yang harus diperhatikan.


Karena untuk sekarang, banyak trigger pemicu untuk anak menjadi alergi.
Karena disini saya ngga bawa sufor, maka seminar ini tidak akan menyinggung
sufor sama sekali tapi justru pemberian ASIX  dengan memperhatikan makanan2

Gimana nih??apakah masih menarik?
Kl ngga, mungkin ada usulan yang lain?


On 8/5/09 9:53 AM, "Gopina Goham" <alfin.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> gak semua alergi di"transfer" via asi. makdarit, gak perlu fokus ke
> alerginya. ntar ibunya gak fokus supaya asinya berkualitas, malah trus
> ngasih sufor/diet mati2an lagi, heheheh...
> http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/tips-and-solutions/36/allergies-in-the-br
> eastfed-infant
> Allergies in the Breastfed Infant
> By Mary Bibb, BA, IBCLC
> Allergic (atopic) conditions have complicated causes involving both
> genetic and environmental factors. Scientists say that if a child has
> one atopic parent, there is a 29% chance that child will develop
> allergies. If both parents are atopic, there is a 47% chance the child
> will develop allergies. Some studies put these genetic risks even
> higher!
> What can parents do to reduce the risk of allergies and help their
> children enjoy the best health? The evidence is clear that 6 months of
> exclusive breastfeeding makes a difference. In one long-running study,
> a group of children were observed for 17 years. They were divided into
> 3 groups: babies who were breastfed for less than 1 month or not at
> all, babies breastfed for 1-6 months, and babies who continued to
> receive some breastmilk past 6 months. The babies who were breastfed
> the longest had less eczema as well as fewer food and respiratory
> allergies.  While not a guarantee that a child will be allergy free,
> the protection provided by breastfeeding lasted throughout childhood
> and the teen years.
> Researchers have looked at other steps parents can take. It is very
> important to keep cigarette smoke out of the house.  It makes sense
> for mothers to have a balanced diet, with a variety of foods eaten in
> moderation.
> In at-risk families, where the parents have food allergies, removing
> common allergenic foods such as eggs or dairy from the mother¹s diet
> during pregnancy and lactation may reduce conditions such as eczema,
> wheezing, and other respiratory symptoms in the baby. And, if a baby
> is diagnosed with Cow¹s Milk Protein Intolerance, the mother can
> eliminate all cows¹ milk and dairy products from her diet and still
> continue to breastfeed her baby.  Cow's milk protein allergy has been
> linked with colic in some infants, along with other symptoms such as
> flecks of blood in the stools.  However, new research suggests that
> cow milk allergy is less common than previously believed.  Trial
> removal of dairy products for 2-3 weeks to see if symptoms improve
> should be followed by a cow milk challenge (where dairy is
> re-introduced into the mother's diet).  This should be medically
> supervised and will tell whether improvements are because of the
> elimination. Putting mothers on food eliminations diets is stressful
> and should be avoided unless clearly required.  Other things besides
> allergy can cause colic and blood in the stools, for  example,
> infections.
> Experts no longer give out lists of foods to be avoided while
> breastfeeding, but it makes sense to avoid foods or medications known
> to cause problems in family members. If Daddy breaks out in hives when
> he eats strawberries, Mom should avoid strawberries in her diet when
> she is pregnant or nursing. There is good evidence that peanut protein
> can get to the baby before birth and through breastmilk. Because
> peanut allergies can provoke anaphylactic reactions (a kind of extreme
> allergic reaction that can cause difficulty breathing and may be life
> threatening) mothers who have family members with asthma or known
> peanut allergies should avoid eating peanut products during pregnancy
> and lactation.
> Parents should talk with their doctor if the baby is wheezing, has
> rashes, frequent colds, or blood in the bowel movements. Tests can
> help indicate if the problem is related to an allergy. Human milk
> contains immune factors, anti-inflammatory factors, and the perfect
> nutrition to help your baby grow. This is important protection for the
> allergic infant, who may face more risk of illness.
> References:
> Arvola T. et al. Rectal Bleeding in Infancy:  Clinical,
> Allergological, and Microbiological Examination, Pediatrics 2006;
> 117(4):e760-768.
> Goldman,A: Anti-inflammatory Properties of Human Milk, Acta Paediatr
> Scand 1986;        75:689-695.
> Karunasekera K, Jayasinghe J, Alwis L: Risk Factors of Childhood
> Asthma: A Sri Lankan Study, J Trop Pediatrics 2001; 47:142-145.
> Saarinen U, Kajossari M: Breastfeeding as prophylaxis against atopic
> disease: prospective follow-up study until 17 years old, Lancet 1995;
> 346:1065-69.
> Vadas P, Wan Y, Burkes W, et al: Detection of Peanut Allergens in
> Breast Milk of Lactating Women, JAMA 2001; 285:1745-1748.
> 2009/8/5 Donny Priwardhana <do...@sevensenses.co.id>:
>> Nah itu dia masalahnya,
>> ASI itu kadang jadi kurir yang baik karena alergi itu bersifat genetis.
>> Jadi yang perlu dipikirkan disini adalah kontrol ibunya untuk tidak makan
>> makanan tertentu.
>> Bisa dilakukan observasi terlebih dahulu thd makanan ibuya.
>> Soalnya mau bikin seminar ttg Glen Doman kyknya udah terlalu banyak nih....
>> Regards
>> On 8/5/09 9:40 AM, "Gopina Goham" <alfin.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> alergi kadang2 jadi komoditas, pak. itu masalahnya. jadi instead of
>>> fokus sama alergi, mending fokus sama asi, yang bisa ngurangin efek
>>> alergi. ini menurut saya lho yaaa...
>>> 2009/8/5 Donny Priwardhana <do...@sevensenses.co.id>:
>>>> Hmm...kalo tentang alergi yang perlu ditangani sejak dini bagus ngga yah?
>>>> Karena menurut salah satu ahli alergi, kl dari bayi ga di tangani dengan
>>>> baik, gede2 bisa jadi asma salah satunya.
>>>> Thanks inputnya teman-teman
>>>> Regards
>>>> On 8/5/09 9:27 AM, "sintia prasetio" <sintiaprase...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> berarti penting bener, soalnya ada yang blom ngerti kan? hi hi hi
>>>>> ASIX = ASI Ekslusif.. bayi hanya diberi minum ASI saja sampai 6 bulan
>>>>> tanpa
>>>>> diselingi cairan/asupan tambahan lain
>>>>> Inisiasi Menyusui Dini... = segera setelah dilahirkan, bayi diletakkan di
>>>>> dada ibu dan dibiarkan secara naluriah mencari payudara ibu untuk
>>>>> menghisap
>>>>> ASi pertama/kolostrum
>>>>> Rawat gabung = ibu dan bayi digabung dalam satu kamar selama pemulihan /
>>>>> perawatan setelah ibu melahirkan....
>>>>> eh bener ya? hi hi hi udah nggak punya balita soale
>>>>> 2009/8/5 Donny Priwardhana <do...@sevensenses.co.id>
>>>>>> @Irma
>>>>>> Apa itu Asix, IMD dan rawat gabung yah??
>>>>>> Maaf, masih buta nih hehehe....
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> On 8/5/09 9:18 AM, "Irma Sri Aryani" <irma.ary...@id.panasonic.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ttg asix, imd & rawat gabung.
>>>>>>> SOL
>>>>>>>   _____
>>>>>>> From: Donny Priwardhana [mailto:do...@sevensenses.co.id]
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 9:12 AM
>>>>>>> To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
>>>>>>> Subject: [balita-anda] WTA - Seminar Untuk Anak
>>>>>>> Want to ask to everybody nih,
>>>>>>> Kira-kira kalo mau buat seminar tentang baby dan toddlers, tema yang
>>>>>>> sedang in saat ini apa yah??
>>>>>>> Biar ngga sia-sia bikin seminarnya dan berguna bagi ibu-ibu semuanya.
>>>>>>> Feel free yah inputnya.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Donny Priwardhana
>>>>>>> Fleet Commander
>>>>>>> Activation, bound by imagination
>>>>>>> Jl. Wijaya Kusuma No. 2, Tomang, Jakarta 11430, Indonesia
>>>>>>> P +6221 566 7058  F +6221 568 0012
>>>>>>> M +6281 2263 6856
>>>>>>> M +6221 9169 6949
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>>>>>>> the named recipient(s) and may contain privileged or other confidential
>>>>>>> information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you
>>>>>>> have received this communication in error, please do not print, copy,
>>>>>>> transmit, distribute or otherwise use this information. Also, please
>>>>>>> inform sender that you have received this e-mail in error and delete the
>>>>>>> copy you received. Thank you.
>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Info tanaman hias: http://www.toekangkeboen.com
>>>>>> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
>>>>>> Peraturan milis, email ke: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
>>>>>> menghubungi admin, email ke: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Info tanaman hias: http://www.toekangkeboen.com
>>>> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
>>>> Peraturan milis, email ke: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
>>>> menghubungi admin, email ke: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Info tanaman hias: http://www.toekangkeboen.com
>>> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
>>> Peraturan milis, email ke: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
>>> menghubungi admin, email ke: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Info tanaman hias: http://www.toekangkeboen.com
>> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
>> Peraturan milis, email ke: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
>> menghubungi admin, email ke: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Info tanaman hias: http://www.toekangkeboen.com
> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
> Peraturan milis, email ke: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
> menghubungi admin, email ke: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com

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