Deat all

 Infant Botulism bayi adalah penyakit yang dapat terjadi jika seorang bayi
ingests bakteri yang menghasilkan toksin di dalam tubuh.

Botulism bayi dapat terjadi jika anak ingests spores dari bakteri *Clostridium
botulinum,* yang ditemukan di kotoran dan debu dan bisa menulari
*madu*. Penyakit ini biasanya akan mempengaruhi bayi yang antara 3
bulan dan 6
bulan, tetapi mereka rentan sampai umur 1 th.

So sebaiknya madu jangan diberikan kpd anak di bwh 1th, ya...
Lengkapnya monggo baca di

Infant botulism is an illness that can occur when an infant ingests bacteria
that produce a toxin inside the body. The condition can be frightening
because it can cause muscle weakness and breathing problems. But it is very
rare: Fewer than 100 cases of infant botulism occur each year in the United
States, and most babies who do get botulism recover fully.

Infant botulism is treatable, but because of its severity, it's important to
learn the symptoms so you can recognize it early. Also know that honey is a
known source of the bacteria spores that cause botulism. For this reason,
honey shouldn't be given to babies under 12 months of age.
About Infant Botulism

Infant botulism can occur when a child ingests spores of *Clostridium
botulinum* bacteria, which are found in dirt and dust and can contaminate
honey. This illness typically affects babies who are between 3 weeks and 6
months old, but they're susceptible to it until their first birthdays.

These bacteria are typically harmless to older kids and adults because their
mature digestive systems can move the spores through the body before they
cause any harm.

But very young babies haven't developed the ability to handle the spores
yet. So once an infant ingests them, the bacteria germinate, multiply, and
produce a toxin. That toxin interferes with the normal interaction between
the muscles and nerves and can hamper an infant's ability to move, eat, and

Two other types of botulism tend to affect older kids and adults: wound
botulism occurs when the bacteria infect a wound and produce the toxin
inside of it; food-borne botulism is usually caused by eating home-canned
foods that contain the toxin.
Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms of botulism appear between 3 to 30 days after an infant consumes
the spores. Constipation is often the first sign of botulism that parents
notice (although many other illnesses also can cause constipation). Call
your doctor if your baby hasn't had a bowel movement in 3 days.

Other symptoms can include:

   - flat facial expression
   - poor feeding (weak sucking)
   - weak cry
   - decreased movement
   - trouble swallowing with excessive drooling
   - muscle weakness
   - breathing problems

Infant botulism can be treated, but it's important to get medical care as
soon as possible. Call your doctor right away if you see any of the warning
signs in your baby.

Infant botulism is treated in the hospital, usually in the intensive care
unit, where doctors will try to limit the problems the toxin causes in the
baby's body. The toxin can affect the breathing muscles, so doctors may put
the infant on a ventilator. Because the toxin can affect the swallowing
muscles, they may give the baby intravenous (IV) fluids to provide

An antitoxin is now available for the treatment of infant botulism called
Botulism Immune Globulin Intravenous (BIGIV), which should be given as early
in illness as possible. Babies with botulism who have received BIGIV recover
sooner and spend less time in the hospital.

With early diagnosis and proper medical care, affected infants should fully
recover once the effects of the toxin wear off.

Like many germs, the *Clostridium botulinum* spores that cause botulism in
infants are everywhere in the environment. They're in dust and dirt, and
even in the air. Experts don't know why some infants contract botulism while
others don't.

One way to reduce the risk of botulism is to not give infants honey before
their first birthday. Honey is a proven source of the bacteria and has led
to botulism in infants who've ingested it. Light and dark corn syrups were
thought to be a source of spores, but no proven cases of infant botulism
have been attributed to ingesting them. However, check with your doctor
before giving these to an infant.

Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD<>
Date reviewed: June 2008

Pada 6 Agustus 2009 08:40, Septia Sari <
> menulis:

> Dear Mom,
> Infant Botulism itu apa sih mba...
> kebetulan sudah beberapa hari ini anaknya dikasih madu (umurnya 7,5
> bulan)..
> please sharenya ya... thanks...
> Mama Habibi..
Uci ma2Kavin+Ija

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