Pillopedic- baby first pillow

Harga 190rb

Bantal yg
sangat bagus untuk mencegah kepala bayi menjadi peyang, mencegah gumoh,
dan membantu supaya tulang belakang dan kepala bayi sejajar (membuat
pertumbuhan tulangnya bagus)

"Pillopedic baby first pillow is a
major breakthrough in the reduction of Plagiocephaly (flat head
syndrome) and the prevention of Acid Reflux" Dr Timothy A Scott MD,
American Academy of Pediatrics

+Keep your baby's head and spine in the correct allignment!
+Protect the round shape of your baby's head and helps prevent flat head 

pillopedic product is absolutely a satisfying guaranteed product and
it's manufactured under Germany's technology and material.

baby first pillow is made from memory foam that is originally developed
by NASA spaceship program to support astronauts to encounter light and
heavy pressures during take off and landing.
Now, this pillow is
designed to keep your baby's head and spine in the correct allignment
and protects the round shape of your babys head and helps prevent flat
head syndrome.
With more values such as very soft, comfortable,
flexible, anti-dust, better absorbent, anti-mildew, anti-bacterial, can
avoid allergy and effectively help prevent asthma are some of the
reasons of this pilow become the best sleeping choice for
babies-allowing your baby for more restful night's sleep!

by thousands of doctors and hospitals around the world as the pressures
relieving device to promote proper good night;s sleep!

Testimonial dan jualan saya yg lain bisa dilihat di 
Untuk pembelian email ke effiejapa...@gmail.com
yM: effiejapardi

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