
Peringatan pertama. Tidak boleh jualan/promo di hari non OOT. Mohon
diperhatikan peraturan milis BA.


On 15 April 2010 08:18, <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> dijual mobil Suzuki Baleno (Next G), warna hitam, jok kulit, 4 ban baru,
> thn 2003, pokoknya siap pakai, Rp 91.5 juta (nett)
> bila berminat hubungi:
> Farid 021-32905715 atau 0857-18146836
> ditunggu ya.
> Deffy Selanty
> Secretary
> PricewaterhouseCoopers ( )
> PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia
> Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7 No.6
> Jakarta 12940 - INDONESIA
> Telephone +62 21 5212901, 52891061 (direct)
> Facsimile +62 21 52905555 / 52905050
> Assurance Services - Financial Assurance
> Financial Services
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> this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any
> computer. Any views or opinions expressed in this email are solely those of
> the author and do not necessarily represent those of PwC.
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