Besides having the right strategies, successful students have the ability to
consistently motivate themselves to take action towards their goals. As human
beings, we (especially our children) are driven very much by the emotional
states that we feel. When kids are in negative emotional states like
depression, lethargy, laziness or fear, they will not be driven to study or do
anything. On the other hand, when our children feel confident, motivated and
enthusiastic, they will perform at their fullest potential. We have found that
below average students tend to believe that they have little control over their
emotional states. Since emotions tend to override logic very often, they don't
take action when they need to. For example, they know logically they need to
study for the coming test, but the feeling of laziness and procrastination holds
them back. At the same time, their lack of emotional control causes them to
simply react to their external environment. They believe that events and other
people MAKE THEM feel bad. When a friend throws an insult at them, they react
immediately by getting angry. When they cannot solve a Math problem, they get
frustrated. When they see the number of pages they need to study, they feel
overwhelmed! At the same time, ineffective students believe that they have no
control over how they feel and, instead, allow their emotions to control them.
When they feel lazy, they just don't study. When they feel depressed, they shut
down. And when they feel lousy, they just give up. They believe that something
or someone must motivate them or give them the confidence to take action. As a
result, most children feel powerless to change their life for the better.
Successful teens on the other hand believe that they are IN CHARGE of their own
emotions. When they feel lazy, they don't wait for something to come along and
motivate them. They know how to motivate themselves to take action! When they
experience failure or rejection, they are able to get over it very fast.
Successful students know that they have the power to choose how to respond to
events. No matter what happens to then, they will respond in a way that puts
them into a positive emotion in order to achieve a positive outcome.
Ineffective students tend to react in a way that makes them give up control over
their results, leading to poor outcomes! By teaching our kids how to control
their responses and emotions, it will empower them to take consistent action
towards their goals.
Happy Parenting..
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