---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Andri Permata Sari <cecilia_s...@yahoo.com> Date: 2011/3/8 Subject: Webmaster Balita-Anda: babyku tidur malam sekali To: webmas...@balita-anda.com
Ini merupakan pemeriksaan E-mail lewat http://www.balita-anda.com/ dari: Andri Permata Sari <cecilia_s...@yahoo.com> Mohon diteruskan ke forum Dear parents, Saya mau tanya nih.. mungkin mom and dad pernah punya pengalaman yg sama dgn saya. Babyku Yoan (5m) sudah beberapa minggu ini tidurnya malam sekali. Jam 11 malam bahkan jam 12 malam. Yoan sempat tidur jam 8 malam, dan 1 jam kemudian bangun. Kalau saya amati dia bisa tidur lg 2-3 jam setelah terbangun. Gak rewel sih, cuma ngajak main saja. Nah mendekati ngantuk2nya baru agak rewel. Mungkin sudah ngantuk bgt kali ya. Aku masih ASIP. Kalau mau tidur jam 8 malam, pasti minum ASI sekitar 150-200 mL. Asumsiku dengan jumlah segitu cukup membuatnya kenyang. Kira2 babyku kenapa ya? Apa ASI-ku kurang "marem" jadi terbangun dan sulit tidur karena masih lapar? Temen kantor banyak bilang karena kelaparan dan disarankan dikasih pisang. Ada lg yg bilang ada yg "ganggu" atau anakku indigo. Tolong pencerahannya ya, parents. Maaf kepanjangan.. Terima kasih Andri Mommy Yoan CONFIDENTIALITY This e-mail message and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail message, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail message, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail message in error, please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete the original and any copies of this email and any prints thereof. ABSENT AN EXPRESS STATEMENT TO THE CONTRARY HEREINABOVE, THIS E-MAIL IS NOT INTENDED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR A WRITING. Notwithstanding the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or the applicability of any other law of similar substance and effect, absent an express statement to the contrary hereinabove, this e-mail message its contents, and any attachments hereto are not intended to represent an offer or acceptance to enter into a contract and are not otherwise intended to bind the sender, Sanmina-SCI Corporation (or any of its subsidiaries), or any other person or entity.