Cerebral Palsy

Tahukah Anda apa itu Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy adalah sebuah kondisi yang terkadang dianggap sebagai gabungan 
gangguan yang melibatkan otak dan fungsi sistem saraf seperti gerakan, 
pembelajaran, pendengaran, penglihatan dan pemikiran. Ada beberapa tipe 
Cerebral Palsy, termasuk diantaranya adalah Spastic, Dyskinetic, Ataxic, 
Hypotonic, dan Mixed.

Penyebab dan Resiko

Cerebral Palsy disebabkan karena luka atau cacat pada otak. Sebagian besar 
masalah ini terjadi ketika  bayi, atau dapat juga terjadi kapan saja dalam 
rentang usia 0-2 tahun. Pada masa ini, otak manusia masih dalam tahap 
perkembangan yang sangat pesat.

Pada sebagian orang yang mengidap Cerebral Palsy, ada bagian-bagian otak yang 
terluka karena kekurangan asupan oksigen. Gejala ini disebut juga sebagai 

Bayi prematur memiliki resiko mengidap Cerebral Palsy yang sedikit lebih tinggi 
dibanding yang terlahir normal. Cerebral Palsy dapat juga terjadi pada bayi 
dikarenakan kondisi berikut:

Pendarahan pada otak

Infeksi pada otak (encephalitis, meningitis, herpes simplex infections)

Luka pada kepala

Infeksi yang dialami oleh sang ibu ketika mengandung (rubella)


Namun begitu, pada sebagian besar kasus, penyebab Cerebral Palsy tidak dapat 

Gejala Cerebral Palsy pada Anak

Gejalanya bisa terlihat sebelum anak berusia 2 tahun, bahkan terkadang mulai 
dari usia bayi 3 bulan. Ketika bayi Anda sangat terlambat perkembangannya, 
terutama yang berkaitan dengan duduk, berguling, merangkak dan berjalan.

Cerebral Palsy: Don't Let it ATTACK Your Baby!

Cerebral Palsy is a broad term used to describe a group of chronic movement or 
posture disorders. “Cerebral” refers to the brain, while “Palsy” refers to a 
physical disorder, such as a lack of muscle control. Cerebral Palsy is not 
caused by problems with the muscles or nerves, but rather with the brain’s 
ability to adequately control the body. Cerebral Palsy can be caused by injury 
during birth, although sometimes it is the result of later damage to the brain. 
Symptoms usually appear in the first few years of life and once they appear, 
they generally do not worsen over time. Disorders are classified into four 

    * Spastic (difficult or stiff movement)
    * Ataxic (loss of depth perception and balance)
    * Athetoid/Dyskinetic (uncontrolled or involuntary movements)
    * Mixed (a mix of two or more of the above)

Diagnosing Cerebral Palsy

Doctors diagnose cerebral palsy by testing an infant’s motor skills and looking 
carefully at the infant’s medical history. In addition to checking for slow 
development, abnormal muscle tone, and unusual posture, a physician can also 
perform a number of medical tests such as MRIs, CTs, and ultrasounds to look at 
pictures of the infant’s brain, which can help determine the cause of the 
child’s problems as well as rule out other disorders. 

Reflex Test

Reflexes are movements that the body makes automatically in response to a 
specific cue. There are many reflexes physicians check. For example, when a 
newborn is held on its back and tilted so its legs are above its head, the baby 
will automatically extend its arms in a gesture, called the Moro reflex, which 
looks like an embrace. Babies normally lose this reflex after they reach 6 
months, but those with cerebral palsy may retain it for abnormally long periods.
Hand Preference Test

Doctors can also test for hand preference-a baby’s tendency to use either the 
right or left hand more often. The doctor will hold an object in front and to 
the side of the infant. An infant with a hand preference will use the favored 
hand to reach for the object, even when it is held closer to the opposite hand. 
During the first 12 months of life, babies do not usually show hand preference. 
However, infants with cerebral palsy may develop a preference much earlier, 
since one hand is usually stronger and more useful.

Computed tomography, or CT, a sophisticated imaging technique that uses X rays 
and a computer to create an anatomical picture of the brain’s tissues and 
structures. A CT scan may reveal brain areas that are underdeveloped, abnormal 
cysts (sacs that are often filled with liquid) in the brain, or other physical 
problems. With the information from CT scans, doctors may be better equipped to 
judge the long-term outlook for an affected child.

Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is a relatively new brain imaging technique 
that is rapidly gaining widespread use for identifying brain disorders. This 
technique uses a magnetic field and radio waves, not X rays to map portions of 
the brain. MRI gives better pictures of structures or abnormal areas located 
near bone than CT.

How Do I Know if My Child Has Cerebral Palsy?

If your child is 2 to 3 years old, you might suspect that something isn’t 
“right.” Or maybe your gut told you early on that your baby was not developing 
like other babies her age.

Unfortunately, it can take years to determine if your child does in fact have 
developmental problems. Different babies develop at different rates, and most 
of the time each child falls into the range of “normal.”

For example, your neighbor’s daughter might start walking at 9 months. But your 
nephew may not take his first step until he is 18 months. Yet both children hit 
that milestone at the age that was healthy and normal for them.

So, because the age spectrums for “normal” are so broad, your doctor may not 
worry if your child can’t walk or firmly grasp and hold on to a toy until later 
than the average.

But if you suspect that your baby is not developing within the normal range, 
you obviously want to know why. And you may suspect cerebral palsy.

Signs and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy in Children

Symptoms of cerebral palsy can range from mild to severe. Pay close attention 
if your child demonstrates one or a combination of the following:

    * Struggles with fine motor skills. These include handling scissors, using 
crayons, buttoning a shirt, and any other movement that uses her fingers and 
    * Struggles with gross motor skills. These include walking, riding a 
tricycle, kicking a ball, and other movements that use his legs and arms.
    * Trouble sitting upright. It takes a lot of muscle tone to sit up without 
toppling over.
    * Shakes a lot or has uncontrollable jerking of her legs, arms, or torso.
    * Muscles are weak.
    * Body tremors, drooling, weakened muscles in his face; may lose control of 
his tongue.
    * Trouble moving from one position to another.
    * Trouble sucking.

If your child shows any of these signs, she needs to be seen by a doctor who is 
trained in diagnosing cerebral palsy. The doctor should perform a series of 
tests and ask you a series of questions about your child’s development.

Your child’s symptoms will vary by the type of cerebral palsy she is diagnosed 
with. If her cerebral palsy is considered severe, she may require special help 
with her mobility as she develops and grows, including one or a combination of 
the following:

    * A wheel chair
    * Crutches
    * Physical therapy
    * Medication
    * Specialized care from an outside provider

How to Get Help if You Think Your Child May Have CP

Whatever it is your child needs to have a happier, healthier and more 
productive life, you may qualify for special monetary benefits. Especially if 
your child’s cerebral palsy could have been prevented.

As you may be discovering, the special care and equipment your child requires 
can be expensive. The good news is that it’s easier than you might expect to 
get the financial help you need.

If you are feeling lonely, scared, or confused as to what to do next, rest 
assured that someone cares. We are here to help you get the emotional and 
monetary support that you and your child deserve.


When the doctor suspects a seizure disorder, an electroencephalogram, or EEG, 
may be ordered. An EEG uses special patches called electrodes placed on the 
scalp to record the natural electrical currents inside the brain. This 
recording can help the doctor see telltale patterns in the brain’s electrical 
activity that suggest a seizure disorder.

Intelligence Tests

Intelligence tests are often used to determine if a child with cerebral palsy 
is mentally impaired. Sometimes, however, a child’s intelligence may be 
underestimated because problems with movement, sensation, or speech due to 
cerebral palsy make it difficult for him or her to perform well on these tests.

Vision Tests

If problems with vision are suspected, the doctor may refer the patient to an 
ophthalmologist for examination; if hearing impairment seems likely, an 
audiologist may be called in.

Ruling Out Other Disorders

A crucial step in diagnosing cerebral palsy is to rule out other disorders that 
can cause movement problems. Most importantly, doctors must determine that the 
child’s condition is not getting worse. Although symptoms may change over time, 
cerebral palsy is not progressive. If a child is continuously losing motor 
skills, the problem more likely has another cause, such as a genetic disease, a 
muscle disease, a disorder of metabolism, or a tumor in the nervous system. The 
child’s medical history, special diagnostic tests, and, in some cases, repeated 
check-ups can help confirm that other disorders are not at fault. 

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