maaf nih,..saya cuma forward dari milist tetangga.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tommy S........."

> Netters Yth
> Hati-hati terhadap testemoni gaya marketing melalui email seperti di
> bawah ini (yang tentu saja sudah melanggar etika periklanan),
> tentang
> Thimerozal dalam vaksin dan buku "Children with Starving Brains"
> yang menjajakan terapi alternatif autisme dengan menggunakan
> supplement makanan.
> Asal email ini dari mailinglist  Tarakanita, dari seorang manager
> marketing  melalui email.
> Jaquelyn McCandless,MD adalah salah satu kelompok dokter DAN Think
> Thank dari Amerika yang tengah memperluas jaringannya ke seluruh
> dunia. DAN think Thank bukan merupakan kelompok dokter medis
> regular/konvensional dari lembaga-lembaga ilmiah/medic scientific,
> tapi merupakan kelompok kedokteran alternatif yang mempunyai teori
> teori sendiri serta menggunakan berbagai food supplement sebagai
> obatnya, dan cukup membingungkan bagi masyarakat umum apalagi
> disertai dengan cerita kehebatan pengobatannya,(namanya juga
> dagang!). Cara melakukan kampanyenya adalah dengan menggunakan apa
> yang disebut TESTEMONI yaitu pengakuan orang tua yang mendudukkan
> diri sebagai korban.
> Bisa dilihat dalam URL URL di bawah ini.
> Salam
> Julia Maria
> ----------------------------------------------
> As our readers know, there has been an enormous upsurge in the
> prevalence of autism, despite the initial denials by the medical
> establishment about the reality of the increase. One of the
> consequences of the upsurge in autism has been the increasing
> numbers of autistic children born to parents who are physicians.
> These physician-parents are typically mainstream doctors who try
> mainstream approaches with their children, only to find, to their
> dismay, that the mainstream approach virtually never helps. Many of
> these physician-parents have joined the DAN! movement, often with
> excellent results. At the Autism Society of America conference in
> San Diego last July, ARI sponsored a panel of parent physicians-Paul
> Hardy, Jeff Bradstreet, Miriam Jang and Amy Holmes-whose autistic
> spectrum children had improved greatly under the DAN! approach.
> These physicians then became DAN! doctors, treating hundreds of
> other autistic children, usually with considerable success, in their
> medical practices. At the 2002 ASA convention, which will be held in
> July in Indianapolis, we will have another panel of parent-
> physicians-Jerry Kartzinel, Paul Hardy, Bryan Jepson, and Alan
> Lewis. ARI makes videotapes of these parent panels available at low
> cost as a means of educating the public and the medical
> establishment about the value of the DAN! approach.
> Yet another great development: Each participant in our think tank
> was presented with a copy of the just published Children with
> Starving Brains by Jaquelyn McCandless, M.D., the grandmother of
> Chelsey, an autistic child. This excellent and informative book is
> subtitled, "A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum
> Disorders." It will go a long way toward making the DAN! approach
> more accessible to the families, and the physicians, who are
> dedicated to helping our children.
> From:  "Ines Indrati Muljawan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:  Fri Dec 8, 2000  1:34 pm
> Subject:  E-mail marketing guide book
> Hi all,
> I'm Ines From Indonesia. I'm the project manager for Database
> marketing / E-mail marketing division in the
> biggest and most complete portal in Indonesia.
> I need some guide books on e-mail marketing, especially on how to
> write a good e-zine. Any suggestion?. I've got : "Internet Direct
> Mail, The Complete Guide to Sucessfull E-mail Marketing Campaign" by
> Stevan Robers et. al. and "Marketing with E-mail" by Shannon Kinnard.
> Is there any other essential books I have to read?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Regards,
> Ines Muljawan
> Customer Relationship Manager
> From: "Ines Indrati Muljawan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 11:23 AM
> Subject: [milis tarki] Hati-hati Thimerosal dalam Vaksin
> Setelah kesibukan Lebaran yang menyita waktu, baru sekarang saya
> bisa
> dapat waktu luang membaca buku "Children with Starving Brains"
> karangan Jaquelyn McCandless,MD yang diterjemahkan dan diterbitkan
> oleh Grasindo. Ternyata buku yang saya beli di toko buku Gramedia
> seharga Rp. 50,000,- itu benar-benar membuka mata saya, dan sayang,
> sayang sekali baru terbit setelah anak saya Joey (27 bln) didiagnosa
> mengidap Autisme Spectrum Disorder.
> --- End forwarded message ---
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "terang bintang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 6:47 PM
> Subject: [Dokter Umum] Vaksin Hepatitis B penyebab austisme ?
> > Numpang tanya dokter apakah hal ini benar benar terjadi di Indonesia ?
> >
> > Terima kasih
> > ===============================================
> >
> > Subject: Hati-hati Thimerosal dalam Vaksin
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