Ibu Lila,
Terima kasih atas informasinya.
Kalau boleh tahu persyaratan (documen) apa yang nanti diperlukan.
Dan mungkin saya baca dulu brochurenya agar saya tahu sistemnya secara
Jika ibu akan mem fax bisa di fax ke 031 - 60058046 u/p Denny Kurniawan.
atau Japri juga bisa. Dan bagaimana dengan dokternya apakah sudah
asuransi ataukah kita pilih sendiri ( biasa bu katanya dokter juga cocok
Apakah asuransi ini juga meliputi asuransi jiwa ?

Pa2nya nicho

                                               To:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           
            "Lila" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Subject:  Re: [balita-anda] OOT 
Asuransi kesehatan dan Jiwa 
            Others, 02/03/04 08:39              Ortu                                   

  Pak Denny,

  Kebetulan saya bekerja di salah satu broker asuransi, dan kebetulan di
divisi employee benefit, kemarin dari Asuransi AIA ada yang mengirim brosur
untuk program individu, namanya Executive Medishield, usia masuk adalah 4 -
60 tahun, kalau bapak berkenan nanti saya fax brosurnya.
  Jika bapak memerlukan penjelasan lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya di
5305888 ( hunting )



  ----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 8:21 AM
  Subject: [balita-anda] OOT Asuransi kesehatan dan Jiwa Ortu

  > Sorry OOT sedikit,
  > Sya kira ortu juga sangat memerlukan ini.
  > Ada yang tahu nggak mengenai Asuransi Kesehatan dan jiwa Orang tua itu
  > batas maksimal umurnya berapa sih dan Asuransi apa yang bisa dijamin
  > kebenarannya ?
  > Saya kira orang tua juga sudah mulai sering sakit-sakitan (komplikasi).
  > Bahkan kalau saya alami biaya dr ortu dibanding anak lebih tinggi ortu.
  > Terima kasih atas informasinya........
  > Pa2nya Nicho
  > ,"
  > "The information contained in this communication (including any
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  > delivery of the message to such person), you must not disclose,
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  > deliver, copy, circulate, rely on or use any of the information
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  > we apologize if you have received this communication in error; kindly
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  > deleted from your computer system. We do not give or endorse any
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  > other information in this message that do not relate to our official
business. "
  > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  > >> Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,http://www.indokado.com/
  > >> Info balita, http://www.balita-anda.com
  > >> Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke:

>> Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,http://www.indokado.com/
>> Info balita, http://www.balita-anda.com
>> Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


“The information contained in this communication (including any attachments) is 
and confidential, and may be legally exempt from disclosure under applicable law. It 
intended only for the specific purpose of being used by the individual or entity to 
whom it is 
addressed. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or are responsible 
delivery of the message to such person), you must not disclose, disseminate, 
deliver, copy, circulate, rely on or use any of the information contained in this 

we apologize if you have received this communication in error; kindly inform the 
accordingly. Please also ensure that this original message and any record of it is 
deleted from your computer system. We do not give or endorse any opinions, conclusions 
other information in this message that do not relate to our official business. “

>> Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,http://www.indokado.com/
>> Info balita, http://www.balita-anda.com
>> Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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