Ria Febriany Arief
Australian Embassy
Defence Section

Ph    : 021- 2550 5245
Fax   : 021-2550 5225

----- Forwarded by Ria Arief/People/DFATL on 05/03/2004 10:29 AM -----
                      Retno Widyawati                                                  
                                               To:      Local-Staff-Jakarta            
                      04/03/2004 05:37         cc:      Donna Bengtson/People/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Guy             
                      PM                       Humphrey/People/[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Jenny Bell/People/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
                                               Subject:  Immediate Vacancy : Client 
Service Officer ( CSO  
                                               ) Level 1 or 2  - DIMIA                 

Dear all,

Please find below the attachment of office circular for Client Service
Officer ( CSO ) Level 1 or 2 in DIMIA.

(See attached file: Circular _DIMIA Client Service Officer - CSO 1 & CSO

Best Regards,

Retno Widyawati

>> Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,http://www.indokado.com/
>> Info balita, http://www.balita-anda.com
>> Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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