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Children and constipation: Ways to cope and when to worry

Does your child put off going to the bathroom because he or she is busy
doing more important things? Or is your child avoiding the bathroom for fear
of a painful bowel movement? This may be a sign of constipation.

Parents often think their worries about their children's bathroom habits
will end with the final diaper. But successful toilet training doesn't
prevent occasional troubles with bowel movements. Constipation is among the
most common.

To the rescue

If constipation is persistent, it can be difficult to manage. Fortunately,
parents can detect warning signs and take early corrective action. So just
as in those diaper-changing days, it's mom or dad to the rescue again.

Constipation refers to infrequency or difficulty in passing stool, or the
passing of hard stool at every bowel movement for two weeks or longer. If
your child is constipated, he or she may have the following signs and

  a.. Abdominal pain, gas and cramps.
  b.. Lack of appetite.
  c.. Increased irritability.
  d.. Soiled underwear. Some children, out of embarrassment, might hide or
throw away their underwear. A large amount of stool leakage in your child's
underwear may be a sign that your child has encopresis, a more serious type
of constipation that you should alert your doctor about.

  a.. Large or blood-streaked stools.
  b.. More frequent urination because of pressure on the bladder.

What's the cause?

Here's a list of things that commonly contribute to constipation in
children. Often, two or more of these factors in combination exacerbate the

  a.. Eating mainly low-fiber, high-fat and high-sugar foods.
  b.. Drinking too little water.
  c.. Ignoring the urge to go to the bathroom.
  d.. Having a condition such as hypothyroidism or an illness that reduces
hunger and thirst. Conditions associated with reduced muscle tone also may
cause constipation.

  a.. Taking a tricyclic antidepressant medication, such as doxepin (Adapin,
Sinequan) and nortriptyline (Aventyl, Pamelor), or taking iron supplements.

  a.. Being inactive.
Children are most likely to become constipated when their routines change -
for example, when they shift from pureed to solid foods or start school.
Even changes in season can disrupt your child's bowel habits. To recognize
the problem early, monitor your child's bowel movements during periods of
adjustment to any changes.

Tips for prevention and relief

  a.. Drink plenty of fluids. The first thing to consider when dealing with
constipation is whether your child is getting enough fluids. Fluids of all
kinds are important, although water is best.
  a.. Consume foods that are rich in fiber. The bulk in fruits, vegetables
and whole grains, such as wheat bread and bran cereals, is beneficial. So
are prune and pear juices. Diets high in fat, sugar, protein or dairy
products may aggravate constipation. In general, foods from animal sources
promote constipation, and foods from plant sources do the opposite. Because
it can be difficult for parents to know what or how much their children are
eating in school or child-care centers, the diet at home becomes all the
more important.

  a.. Pay attention to your child's bowel habits. Encourage your child to go
to the bathroom as soon as there's an urge to defecate. If your child is
constipated, ask him or her to sit on the toilet after meals. It also may be
helpful for you to record his or her bowel movements on a calendar or diary.
  a.. Encourage daily exercise. Just getting up and moving around is one of
the best ways to conquer constipation. Staying active helps the digestive
system flush waste from the body more quickly.
  a.. Help your child relax and loosen up. For constipation, doctors may
recommend certain muscle relaxation techniques. For example, young
children's feet don't usually reach the floor while they're on the toilet.
Placing a footstool underneath their feet may take pressure off their pelvic
bone and relax their muscles.
  a.. Laxatives. A doctor may also recommend a laxative or stool softener if
improvements in diet and toilet habits don't ease your child's constipation.
Check with your doctor before giving a laxative to your child.

  a.. Promote thorough wiping and cleanliness. It's important to keep the
anal area clean to prevent skin irritation, which can lead to pain during
defecation. If the anal area is sore, tell your child to clean it with
lukewarm water and a soft cloth. Soap and other cleaning agents, such as
bubble bath, may cause further irritation.
  a.. Talking with your child. Your child may be reluctant to discuss bowel
habits, particularly after age 4 or 5, when all children become more modest.
However, it's important to reassure your child, whatever age he or she
happens to be, that mild constipation is bound to occur at one time or
It's reasonable to wonder how often your child should be having bowel
movements, but there's no definite answer. As a general guideline, though,
at least three normal bowel movements a week is probably just fine.

When to call the doctor

In cases of persistent constipation, your doctor may need to rule out an
underlying cause. Give your doctor a call if your child:

  a.. Goes over 10 days without a bowel movement
  b.. Has had recurrent episodes of constipation since birth
  c.. Has difficulty participating in daily activities because of frequent
bouts of constipation
  d.. Develops anal tears or hemorrhoids

  a.. Has to strain in order to expel stool
  b.. Has blood in or on the stool
  c.. Has diarrhea, cramping or stool leakage along with constipation

Remain compassionate

Constipation is very common in children, and it can happen at any age.
Frustrating as the problem may be, parents should do their best to keep it
in perspective - it certainly shouldn't cost you any sleep. With your
patience and support, your child will establish regular bowel habits in
> Barid anna sophia wrote:
> > Saya Ibunya Denaya. Denaya sekarang berumur 2,5 bulan.
> > Denaya lahir normal dan waktu itu pupnya normal (sehari bisa sampe 6 -10
> > kali ,waktu itu full ASI ) sampe akhirnya umur 1,5 bulan mulai saya
> > dengan susu formula karena saya bekerja yaitu dengan S26 Gold.
> > Sejak 1 bulan yg lalu (saat mengenal susu formula) pup nya gak beres
> > bikin bingung ibunya soalnya 4-5 hari baru pup....waktu dibawa ke dokter
> > umum dan dikasih obat dulcolactol 1/4 sendok teh trus sehari kmd pup dan
> > kemudian dulcolactol tidak saya teruskan karena saya memang sangat
> > memberi obat pada bayi.
> > Tapi begitu gak dikasih obat balik lagi 4-5 hari . Akhirnya saya bawa ke
> > DSA and disuruh ganti S26 Gold dengan Vitalac 1 dan dikasih obat
> > ..sampe dirumah anak saya, saya berikan laxoberon 5 tetes dan beberapa
> > kmd pup. Dan setelah pup tersebut,laxoberon tidak saya berikan lagi. Dan
> > mulailah saya berikan Vitalac 1 tapi ternyata tetep balik lg 4-5 hari...
> > Gimana ya..Ada saran..saya bingung!!apa harus ganti susu lagi ato gimana
> > ya??? Perlu diketahui kalau saya setiap habis makan mengonsumsi pepaya.
> > Sebelumnya saya ucapkan terimakasih atas saran yg akan diberikan.dan
> > sarannya benar2 saya tunggu..
> >
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>> Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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