ini aku pernah dapat, kayaknya dari milis ini atau dari milis tetangga, 
semoga bermanfaat.....

kebetulan keponakanku 3 minggu lalu pernah kena penyakit ini
terinfeksi dari (indikasi dokter, mungkin dari binatang peliharaan dan
tempat main anak2 di tempat umum) be watching........ moms..

Ummi Ramzi

Winda Adjizar
PT. Primatama Karya Persada
PT.Adijaya Guna Satwatama-Head Office


This information is provided by the Paediatricians of Children's Medical
Centre, Department of Paediatrics, NUS (National University of Singapore)

The purpose of this brochure is to provide helpful Tips on how to care for
your child or children with Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFM).  We
understand that you are very worried and concerned, and we would like to
share some useful tips on how to care for your child at home.  This way, we
can prevent complications like dehydration from refusing to drink fluids.

1.     Incubation period and expected course of HFM  The incubation period
after  contact varies from 2 to 6 days, and your child's fever and mouth
discomfort are usually gone by Day 3 or 4.  The mouth ulcers resolve by Day
5 to Day 7 of the illness, but the small water  blisters or red spots on the
hands, feet (and  occasionally the buttocks and limbs) can last up to 10
days.  Sometimes, your child may complain of pain over the blisters or spots
located on the palms and soles. Your child's fever be as high as 39oC.

2.      How to care for your child at home:

a)      If your child's mouth ulcers are painful, you will notice drooling
and feeding difficulties.  You can give your child syrup Panadol (the actual
drug name is "acetaminophen") to relieve the severe mouth pain as  well as
the fever.  We suggest that you serve the syrup Panadol 30 minutes before
each main meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner). It is safe to serve panadol on an
empty stomach.  Remember to serve Panadol only at 4 or 6 or 8 hourly
intervals.  If your child is allergic to Panadol, please inform your
paediatrician immediately.  Please seek your paediatrician's advice if you
intend to serve other drugs like Voltaren or Voren  (diclofenac)
suppositories or oral ibuprofen syrup.         These prescription drugs are
stronger than Panadol and may not be suitable for some children.

b)      If you are self-medicating or giving your child  cough mixtures or
oral antihistamines, please inform your paediatrician.  Some children are
sleepy after drinking cough mixtures and antihistamines, and this may cause
drowsiness.  We suggest that you stop serving cough mixtures as your drowsy
child will drink less fluid and this may lead to dehydration.  Drowsiness in
your child may be an early sign of brain  infection as well.

b)     Encourage plenty of clear fluids and change to a soft diet.  Younger
children with painful mouth ulcers find it difficult to suck on bottle teats
- we suggest that you spoon-feed your younger child.  Some children like to
drink from straws or cup.  You can serve
infants and young children home-made porridge water, barley water or
chrysanthenum tea.  Another  alternative is half-strength flat lemon-lime
soda like 'Sprite' or '7up', served at room temperature for  children above
one year of age. Do not serve 'Sprite' or '7up' to infants below one year of
age!  Remember to stir the soda until the fizz is gone because the  bubbles
can bloat up your child's tummy, then add clean drinking water to dilute the
Sprite or 7up.  Avoid giving your child sour, salty or spicy foods and avoid
foods that need much chewing.  Soft jellies, melted ice cream and mashed
potatoes can be offered to "fussy eaters" in addition to the usual diet of
porridge or bread.

c)     Encourage your child to drink more fluids so that they  will "pee" at
least every 3 to 5 hourly.  We suggest that you wake up your sick child at 2
or 3 am in the early morning to measure his or her temperature, serve  the
panadol if necessary and encourage your child to  drink water or fluids
before he or she returns to sleep.  It is important to prevent dehydration
in your child.

d)     How to apply mouth gels : Use a clean piece of  gauze or clean cotton
towel to dab the mouth ulcers, before applying the mouth gel.  If you do not
gently  wipe away the saliva, the gel will not stick to the  ulcer! The best
time is to apply the mouth gels before meals and before bedtime.  You can
purchase Medigel or Bonjela from most pharmacies without a prescription. Do
not share the mouth gel with other children.

e)     Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or  disinfectant after you have
wiped your child's bottom.  The virus is present in stools and all body
fluids. Do not allow your child to share towels, toothbrushes, cups or
bottles with family members, and remind your child to wash his or her hands.
After the blisters  and ulcers have disappeared, do not let your child
participate in active sports for two to three weeks after the HFM illness.

Please contact your paediatrician or return to the hospital if:

1.     If your child has not urinated or 'pee' for more than 8 hours.

2.     Your child starts to act very sick (looks dull, drowsy, pale or
mottled, restless or irritable and unable to get into sleep, or develops
cold sweating).

3.     The fever lasts more than 3 days.

4.     The mouth pain becomes severe.

5.     Your child develops weakness in any limb or throws
        a seizure.

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