bapak.. bapak boleh ikutan kok...

cuman kalo pesertanya lebih dari 60 orang, bisa dibuat beberapa sesi, karena
ruangan aulanya kurang besar untuk menampung lebih ari 60 orang. Bisa
di-arrange untuk bulan november, karena untuk september - oktober, jadwal
kunjungannya udah penuh seminggu 2 kali.. kebanyakan anak2 sekolahan....

Best Regards,
Maryani Suwarno (SannY)
Customer Relationship
PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lia Muliawaty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:22 PM
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Penjelasan Susu UHT

saya mau ikut berkunjung ke Ultra dong...

Lia Muliawaty

-----Original Message-----
From: Maryani Suwarno [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 2:06 AM
Subject: [balita-anda] Penjelasan Susu UHT

Penjelasan tentang Susu UHT

produk UHT (susu / sari buah) yang dikemas dalam karton (biasanya kemasan
tetra pak), dibuat tanpa menggunakan pengawet. Tapi kenapa bisa awet bahkan
sampe setahun... itu karena proses produksi nya.

susu / sari buah UHT, diproses dengan cara dipanaskan dengan suhu lebih dari
100 C (biasanya skitar 120-140) selama 4 detik.
selama proses ini, semua bakteri patogen (penyebab penyakit) dan bakteri
pembusuk akan mati. Proses ini memakan waktu sangat singkat (4 detik)
dikarenakan untuk mencegah kerusakan nilai gizi (nutrisi) dalam produk
tersebut. (suhu 140 dan 4 detik, merupakan kombinasi proses pemanasan yg
cukup efektif dan dipakai dalam pembuatan produk UHT)

Setelah proses pemanasan tersebut, produk yang sudah steril langsung dikemas
dalam kemasan aseptik kedap udara dan cahaya. (produsen kemasan aseptik
terbesar di dunia adalah tetra pak dan combibloc).

Selama kemasan tersebut tidak bocor dan penyimpanan nya baik (tidak terkena
panas dan jauh dari hama,mis: tikus), produk masih dapat dikonsumsi sampe
batas masa kadaluarsa nya berakhir.

Produk yang rusak (basi / kembung / mengumpal) yang pernah ditemukan di
pasaran, kebanyakan dikarenakan produk tersebut mengalami kebocoran kecil
(mikro leak) yang bisa disebabkan oleh gigitan semut atau penanganan yang
kurang baik di pasaran. Untuk diketahui juga, produk yg dikemas dengan
kemasan karton cukup rentan terhadap kerusakan2 tersebut.

Kemasan susu UHT / Sari Buah yang sudah dibuka, sebaiknya langsung habis
diminum. Jika ingin menyimpannya dalam kulkas, pastikan bahwa kemasannya
tertutup rapat dan suhu kulkas benar2 dingin. Juga pastikan kulkas nya dalam
keadaan bersih. Jangan disimpan di kulkas lebih dari 2 hari. Jika tidak
habis mengkonsumsi dalam kemasan besar, belilah susu UHT dalam kemasan yang
lebih kecil (200 ml / 125 ml), yang tentu saja isinya sama dengan yang
kemasan 1000 ml.

Semoga info-nya bermanfaat.

Jika para milister Mom Balita - Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang
proses produksi UHT (susu & sari buah), PT. Ultrajaya akan dengan senang
hati menerima kunjungan ibu-ibu sekalian....

Best Regards,
Maryani Suwarno (SannY)
Customer Relationship
PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk
0-800-11-858-72 (bebas pulsa, senin-jum'at 9.00 - 16.00)
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Santi Tri Handayani
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 2:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [balita-anda] hati hati susu uht

        Menjawab keragu2an mbak Ratna apa betul UHT tanpa pengawet?
jawabannya bener  kok mbak.


        UHT = Ultra High Temperature = Ultra Heat Temperature = Ultra Heat

        Ultra Heat Treatment basics


        While pasteurization conditions effectively eliminate potential
        microorganisms, it is not sufficient to inactivate the
        spores in milk. The term sterilization refers to the complete
        of all microorganisms. The food industry uses the more realistic
        "commercial sterilization"; a product is not necessarily free of all
        microorganisms, but those that survive the sterilization process are
        unlikely to grow during storage and cause product spoilage.
        In canning we need to ensure the "cold spot" has reached the desired
        temperature for the desired time. With most canned products, there
is a
        low rate of heat penetration to the thermal centre. This leads to
        overprocessing of some portions, and damage to nutritional and
        characteristics, especially near the walls of the container. This
        long processing times at lower temperatures.
        Milk can be made commercially sterile by subjecting it to
temperatures in
        excess of 100° C, and packaging it in air-tight containers. The milk
        be packaged either before or after sterilization. The basis of UHT,
        ultra-high temperature, is the sterilization of food before
        then filling into pre-sterilized containers in a sterile atmosphere.
        that is processed in this way using temperatures exceeding 135° C,
        a decrease in the necessary holding time (to 2-5 s) enabling a
        flow operation.
        Some examples of food products processed with UHT are:
        · liquid products - milk, juices, cream, yoghurt, wine, salad
        · foods with discrete particles - baby foods; tomato products;
fruits and
        vegetables juices; soups
        · larger particles - stews

        Advantages of UHT
        High quality:
        The reduction in process time due to higher temperature (UHTST) and
        minimal come-up and cool-down time leads to a higher quality
        Long shelf life:
        Greater than 6 months, without refrigeration, can be expected.
        Packaging size:
        Processing conditions are independent of container size, thus
allowing for
        the filling of large containers for food-service or sale to food
        manufacturers (aseptic fruit purees in stainless steel totes).
        Cheaper packaging:
        Both cost of package and storage and transportation costs; laminated
        packaging allows for use of extensive graphics

        Difficulties with UHT
        Complexity of equipment and plant are needed to maintain sterile
        atmosphere between processing and packaging (packaging materials,
        pipework, tanks, pumps); higher skilled operators; sterility must be
        maintained through aseptic packaging
        Particle Size:
        With larger particulates there is a danger of overcooking of
surfaces and
        need to transport material - both limits particle size

        There is a lack of equipment for particulate sterilization, due
        to settling of solids and thus overprocessing
        Keeping Quality:
        Heat stable lipases or proteases can lead to flavour deterioration,
        gelation of the milk over time - nothing lasts forever! There is
also a
        more pronounced cooked flavour to UHT milk.

        UHT Methods
        There are two principal methods of UHT treatment:
        1. Direct Heating
        2. Indirect Heating
        Direct heating systems
        The product is heated by direct contact with steam of potable or
        quality. The main advantage of direct heating is that the product is
        at the elevated temperature for a shorter period of time. For a
        heat-sensitive product such as milk, this means less damage.

        Indirect vs Direct Heating
        There are two methods of direct heating;
        1. injection
        2. infusion
        Injection - High pressure steam is injected into pre-heated liquid
by a
        steam injector leading to a rapid rise in temperature. After
holding, the
        product is flash-cooled in a vacuum to remove water equivalent to
        of condensed steam used. This method allows fast heating and
cooling, and
        volatile removal, but is only suitable for some products. It is
        intensive and because the product comes in contact with hot
        there is potential for flavour damage.

        Infusion - Food in a free falling film is pumped into a chamber of
        pressure steam. The time of the fall matches the desired holding
time. The
        product, therefore, falls onto a cooled surface, followed by flash
        in vacuum chamber. This method has several advantages:
        · instantaneous heating and rapid cooling
        · no localized overheating or burn-on
        · suitable for low and higher viscosity products

        Indirect heating systems
        The heating medium and product are not in direct contact, but
separated by
        equipment contact surfaces. Several types of heat exchangers are
        · plate
        · tubular
        · scraped surface
        · double-cone

        Plate Heat Exchangers

        Similar to that used in HTST but operating pressures are limited by
        gaskets. Liquid velocities are low which could lead to uneven
heating and
        burn-on. This method is economical in floor space, easily inspected,
        allows for potential regeneration.

        Tubular Heat Exchangers

        There are several types:
        · shell and tube
        · shell and coil
        · double tube
        · triple tube

        All of these tubular heat exchangers have fewer seals involved than
        plates. This allows for higher pressures, thus higher flow rates and
        higher temperatures. The heating is more uniform

        Scraped Surface Heat Exchangers

        The product flows through a jacketed tube, which contains the
        medium, and is scraped from the sides with a rotating knife. This
        is suitable for viscous products and particulates (< 1 cm) such as
        sauces, and can be adjusted for different products by changing
        configuration of rotor. There is a problem with larger particulates;
        long process time for particulates would mean long holding sections
        are impractical. This may lead to damaged solids and overprocessing

        Double-Cone Heat Exchangers

        eg APV Jupiter: Suitable for large particulates because it involves
        separation of solids/liquids and combines indirect heating in double
        (batch) with direct heating of liquid portion (maybe also scraped
        if too viscous). The solid pieces are fed into a double-cone,
        slowly on horizontal axis with steam injection and heated surfaces.
        is no burn-on because they are the same temperature. The liquid is
        directly heated with steam separately, then added after pre-cooling.
        double cone acts as a blender and coats solids. The product is then
        discharged to an aseptic filler by overpressure with sterile air.
Used for
        soups, stews, carrots, and vegetables.

        Packaging for Aseptic Processing

        The most important point to remember is that it must be sterile! All
        handling of product post-process must be within the sterile
        There are 5 basic types of aseptic packaging lines:
        1. Fill and seal: preformed containers made of thermoformed plastic,
        or metal are sterilized, filled in aseptic environment, and sealed
        2. Form, fill and seal: roll of material is sterilized, formed in
        environment, filled, sealed e.g. tetrapak
        3. Erect, fill and seal: using knocked-down blanks, erected,
        filled, sealed. e.g. gable-top cartons, cambri-bloc
        4. Thermoform, fill, sealed roll stock sterilized, thermoformed,
        sealed aseptically. e.g. creamers, plastic soup cans
        5. Blow mould, fill, seal:

        There are several different package forms that are used in aseptic
        · cans
        · paperboard/plastic/foil/plastic laminates
        · flexible pouches
        · thermoformed plastic containers
        · flow molded containers
        · bag-in-box
        · bulk totes

        Santi Mama Rakhel
        -------Original Message-------

        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Date: 09/08/04 14:39:00
        Subject: Re: [balita-anda] hati hati susu uht

        Kalau menurut DSA-nya Audrey, malahan diatas 1 tahun susunya nggak
perlu susu formula, cukup susu UHT aja, dan nggak lebih dari 500ml sehari,
soalnya susu sudah bukan kebutuhan pokok lagi tapi pelengkap saja. Cuma di
Indonesia saja katanya yang gencar banget pemberian susu formula. Saya malah
jadi bingung nih,.. soalnya saya percaya banget sama DSA saya ini (dokter
anak yang bagus dan cukup kondang di kalangan anggota milis BA juga,.. he..
he...) tapi sekarang jadi ragu tentang pemberian susu UHT ini.
        Oh ya, tambahan juga, setahu saya susu UHT misalnya ultra yang
dikardus itu nggak mengandung bahan pengawet, tapi dipacking dalam keadaan
hampa udara sehingga mencegah timbulnya bakteri. Apa benar ya ? Ini saya
juga masih meragukan, kalau susu UHT 100% tanpa pengawet.


        [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

        Menurut saya susu UHT itu kurang bagus ya buat balita,
        kalau sekali-sekali ya oke, but not for every day consumption
        Sebab biar bagaimana pun pasti mengandung pengawet, bahan kimia,
        Anak saya pernah minum susu UHT langsung muntah.. sejak itu saya
        pernah kasih dia minum susu UHT
        kalau dapat dari bingkisan ulang tahun, langsung saya kasih
        Bukankah lebih baik susu formula ? kalau mau bawa ke sekolah
masukkan aja
        ke gelas tupperware.
        Toh balita sekolahnya gak lebih dari 3 jam kan ?

        ini pendapat saya lho.. maaf kalau tidak berkenan.

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