Oh...ga pa apa kok mama theo....

                    id.pwc.com             To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   
                    14/09/2004             Subject:     Re: [balita-anda] Susu 
enfamill - 5 boxes for free           
                    Please respond                                                     
                    to balita-anda                                                     

Mama Billa,

maaf mbak, susunya dah diambil sama mbak Diah tadi via japri...


Mama Theo

                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      ance.com                 To:


                      09/14/2004 11:26         Subject:  Re: [balita-anda]
Susu enfamill - 5 boxes for free

                      Please respond to


Wah boleh jg tuh kalo free.....
Anakku memang pake Susu Enfamil...
Terus gimana caranya tuh....


Mama Billa


                    id.pwc.com             To:

                    14/09/2004             Subject:     [balita-anda] Susu
enfamill - 5 boxes for free

                    Please respond

                    to balita-anda

Moms and Dads,

Anakku baru ganti susu...tadinya mimi susu Enfamill, trus sekarang baru
ganti S-26 Gold.
Nah, susunya masih ada sisa 5 dus yang 400 gr...Saya mau kasihin ke orang
aja, daripada dibuang, kan sayang...
Moms and dads ada yang mau ?? Tapi bukan yang A+ lho, ini enfamill yang


Mama Theo
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>> Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,http://www.indokado.com/
>> Info balita, http://www.balita-anda.com
>> Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,http://www.indokado.com/
>> Info balita, http://www.balita-anda.com
>> Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any

>> Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,http://www.indokado.com/
>> Info balita, http://www.balita-anda.com
>> Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,http://www.indokado.com/
>> Info balita, http://www.balita-anda.com
>> Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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