Brain Development: How Parents can Make a Difference

Research on brain development shows that young children's
relationships with people have a vital influence on their
brain development.  Everyone who cares for young children --
parents, family, friends, teachers, and child care providers
-- can make a difference.

Here are some guidelines that can help parents raise
healthy, happy children.

Be warm, loving, and responsive

  When children receive warm, responsive care, they are
  more likely to feel safe and secure with the adults who
  take care of them.  Researchers call these strong
  relationships "secure attachments," and they are the
  basis of all the child's future relationships.  We have
  always known that children thrive when they feel secure;
  now we know that children's early attachments actually
  affect the way their brains work and grow.

Respond to your child's cues and clues

  Infants can't use words to communicate their moods,
  preferences, or needs, but they send many signals to the
  adults who care for them. Among the cues and clues they
  send are the sounds they make, the way they move, their
  facial expressions, and the way they make (or avoid) eye
  contact.  Children become securely attached when parents
  and other caregivers try to read these signals and
  respond with sensitivity. They begin to trust that when
  they smile, someone will smile back; that when they are
  upset, someone will comfort them; and that when they are
  hungry, someone will feed them. Parents who pay close
  attention to their children's needs for stimulation as
  well as quiet times help them form secure attachments.

Talk, read, and sing to your child

  Making up stories about daily events, singing songs about
  the people and places they know, describing what is
  happening during daily routines -- all of these
  conversations give your child a solid basis for later
  learning. It may seem that very young children can't take
  in what you're saying, but in important ways they do.
  Infants don't yet grasp the meaning of words, but it is
  through these early conversations that language capacity
  grows.  When babies hear you say words over and over, the
  parts of the brain that handle speech and language
  develop. The more language they hear in these
  conversations, the more those parts of the brain will
  grow and develop. Talking, singing, and reading to your
  child is not only important for brain development, but is
  also a wonderful opportunity for closeness with your

Establish routines and rituals

  One toddler knows it is nap time because his mom sings a
  song and closes the curtains, as she always does. Another
  toddler knows it is nearly time for her dad to pick her
  up because her child care provider gives her juice and
  crackers. Daily routines and rituals associated with
  pleasurable feelings are reassuring for children, as
  caregivers have long known.  Repeated positive
  experiences, which form strong connections between
  neurons in the brain, provide children with a sense of
  security.  They also help a child learn what to expect
  from his environment and how to understand the world
  around him.  Children who have safe and predictable
  interactions with others have also been found to do
  better in school later on.

Encourage safe exploration and play

  In the first months of life, the parents will be the
  child's whole world. Interactions between parent and
  child form the basis of all subsequent learning. As
  infants grow and are able to crawl and walk, they begin
  to explore the world beyond their caregivers. Parents
  should encourage this exploration, and be receptive when
  the child needs to return to them for security. Play is
  equally important as a learning experience.  While many
  of us think of learning as simply acquiring facts,
  children actually learn through playing.

Make TV watching selective

  Television by itself can't teach an infant language, and
  it can't teach him how to communicate.  Studies show that
  children who learn best in school have families who limit
  the amount of time they spend in front of the TV and are
  selective about the kinds of shows they watch. Very young
  children are still learning about the difference between
  what is real and what is pretend. Some TV images strike
  them as delightful, but many other images can be
  confusing or even frightening. Be selective and involved
  in your children's TV habits.  Don't use TV as a baby-
  sitter.  Whenever possible, sit and watch programs
  together with your child, and talk about what you are

Use discipline as an opportunity to teach

  As children grow, they become capable of even more
  exploration, discovery, and experimentation. In the
  process, they often experience more confusion and
  frustration. At times, their feelings can become very
  intense. As children explore their ever-expanding world,
  they need limits and consistent, loving adult supervision.
  Studies reveal that the way in which adults provide
  discipline -- which really means to teach -- is crucial
  to their children's later development.

Recognize that each child is unique

  Children have different temperaments: One child is
  outgoing, while her brother is more bashful and slow to
  warm up. Children also grow at different rates. Their
  ideas and feelings about themselves reflect, in large
  measure, your attitude toward them. When children master
  the challenges of everyday life, they feel good about
  themselves, particularly when you acknowledge their
  accomplishments with specific praise: "You climbed those
  stairs all by yourself." When children receive concrete
  praise, they begin to see the connections between their
  actions and your responses. Parents who are sensitive to
  their particular child's cues and clues will have
  children with positive self-esteem.

Choose quality child care and stay involved

  Research shows that high-quality child care and early
  education can boost children's learning and social skills
  when they enter school.  But it is often difficult to
  decide which child care programs are good enough. To make
  a good choice, visit and observe how providers respond
  and interact with the babies and children in their care.
  Seek a provider who responds warmly and responsively to
  the baby's needs. Select someone who cares about children,
  is eager to learn about their development, and will give
  children individual attention and engage them in creative
  play and exploration. Find a setting that is clean and
  safe. Make sure that there are enough caregivers so that
  your child can get individualized attention. Carefully
  check the provider's references. After choosing your
  provider, stay involved. Studies show that the children
  who have the most success in school have families who
  stay involved in their care and education.

Take Care of Yourself

  Parents need care, too. Taking care of children is the
  most important, most wonderful, and often the most
  challenging job in our society. Because you provide the
  primary environments for infants and young children, your
  health and welfare are extremely important. When you are
  exhausted, preoccupied, irritable, depressed, or
  overwhelmed, you will probably have a harder time meeting
  the needs of young children. When you feel overwhelmed,
  take care of yourself.  Reach out and get some help.
  Family, friends, neighbors, pediatricians, child care
  providers, and others can assist you in fostering your
  child's healthy development and school readiness. When
  you do make a mistake, as all parents do, remember that
  you will have many opportunities to make up for it.





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