Menonton TV tidak dianjurkan pada anak dibawah usia 2 tahun. Tapi jika disikapi 
dg bijak bisa menjadi media yg mendukung perkembangan anak. wise!
Adapted from Encounters With Children by Suzanne D. Dixon, M.D., and Martin T. 
Stein, M.D. (Mosby, 2000). Lots of parents—stressed or not—use television as 
an occasional babysitter. In fact, the average American kid watches three to 
four hours of television a day. The recent tough recommendation by the American 
Academy of Pediatrics that children under 2 watch no TV at all underscores the 
difficulty all well—intentioned parents have trying to work out what's best 
for their children and what's realistic. As in all things, a little compromise 
can go a long way.

A Child's Perception of TV

A child under age 5 cannot distinguish between the many types of information 
available on television: commercials that sell products, fictional dramas, talk 
shows, sitcoms, and news. Your preschooler lives with one foot in fantasyland 
at all times anyway, so TV is always "real" at this age. This is why disaster 
dramas are just as frightening as documentaries about real disasters. Only at 
about age 7 will your child be able to distinguish the real from the imaginary. 
A preschooler believes that the actors on TV continue to feel and live in the 
same way between shows as they do during a show. Also, children under 3 are 
fascinated by television's fast-moving bits of imagery, but they don't make the 
narrative transition from one image to the next. That's why such techniques as 
flashbacks and multiple story lines make no sense to them at all. 

Guidelines for Responsible TV Watching

Add to these developmental issues the content of TV programming, with its high 
component of aggression and violence, and it's easy to see why some might 
suggest a total ban on watching. But that's not necessary. What follows are 
some ways to make television watching a productive part of your preschooler's 

‧ Set a limit on hours watched per day: one to two hours is plenty. 

‧ Discuss your TV-watching plan with your partner, your babysitter, and anyone 
else who has regular contact with your child so what you're saying is not 
contradicted by others. 

‧ Don't use television as a reward. 

‧ Keep meals TV-free. 

‧ Watch with your child. It tells her that you think the activity is more than 
something to keep her busy while you're doing something else. It also allows 
you to explain the show and to point out the difference between it and the 

‧ Plan what to watch. This cuts down on surfing, which just increases 
confusion and unwanted exposure for your child. Good shows to watch are those 
that ask questions of a child and encourage her response. If a program you've 
watched talks about numbers or letters, try to follow up with your own examples 
("A is for apple; it's also the letter of Grandma's first name. What's 
Grandma's first name? Right, it's Alice") or with books that can extend the 

‧ Tape shows that you'd like to watch with your child so you can put them on 
as your schedule permits. 

‧ Avoid news programs that concentrate on the day's violent events. 

‧ Remember: Just because something is labeled a children's program does not 
mean it's free of violence. Don't turn kids over to Saturday cartoons, for 
example, without knowing what they're watching. 

‧ Turn off the program when it ends. This says to your child that it's time 
for another activity, which you should have in mind. 


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