dari bahan apa ya ? bukan dari plastik karena agak keras bahannya, dari gips kali ya ? kalo dari plastik harganya berapa mbak ? paket gitu nggak belinya ? tks ya
Winda Adjizar PT. Primatama Karya Persada PT.Adijaya Guna Satwatama-Head Office Mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ========= Men Proposed God Disposed ========== -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 28 Februari 2005 11:46 To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com Subject: Re: [balita-anda] info mainan balita praktis, please Mbak Winda, Bahan maenannya dari gips or paperclay semacem itu gak?? Kalo iya, kayaknya di Mall-mall kan banyak yg jual tuh. Sorry kalo salah ngartiinnya, hehehe Soalnya yg aku punya di rumah juga bahan paperclay dan satu lagi... kayak bahan karet2 tipis, bentuk mickey mouse, winnie the pooh, dll. Rgds, Diani DISCLAIMER : The information contained in this communication (including any attachments) is priveleged and confidential, and may be legally exempt from disclosure under applicable law. It is intended only for the specific purpose of being used by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or are responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you must not disclose, disseminate, distribute, deliver, copy, circulate, rely on or use any of the information contained in this transmission. We apologize if you have received this communication in error; kindly inform the sender accordingly. Please also ensure that this original message and any record of it is permanently deleted from your computer system. We do not give or endorse any opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to our official business. AYO GALANG SOLIDARITAS UNTUK MEMBANTU KORBAN MUSIBAH DI ACEH & DAN SUMATERA UTARA !!! ================ Kirim bunga, http://www.indokado.com Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]