Hidden Sources of MSG

Yes, MSG is hidden in many ingredients. MSG is comprised of glutamate and
sodium. Glutamate is the component in MSG that is so dangerous. It's an
amino acid so the food industry says that it's natural and no more dangerous
than eating natural foods containing amino acids. But interfering with the
body's delicate balance of amino acids can cause serious consequences to the
brain. Free glutamic acid (freed from the chain of amino acids) can cause
brain cells to fire uncontrollably and cause brain damage. Amino acids that
do this to brain cells are called excitotoxins.

The food processing companies cleverly disguise glutamate so it does not
have to be listed on the label as MSG. Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein is an
additive that contains high concentrations of glutamate, aspartate and
cystoic acid (all excitotoxins), plus added MSG and carcinogenic biproducts,
and is even more dangerous than MSG alone. Other definite hidden sources are
hydrolyzed protein, sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate, yeast extract,
gelatin, autolyzed yeast. When a label lists natural flavoring, textured
protein, malt flavoring, carragenan, soy protein, whey protein, or even
broth, there MAY be hidden MSG. There is really no way of knowing unless you
contact the manufacturer and get a true answer. MSG is basically added to
almost ALL processed foods. If people are highly sensitive, there is little
they can eat without getting sick. It's become a real problem (to some it's
life-threatening) and the FDA refuses to change the labeling rules. Here are
some good websites for more info:


A great book written by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., a neurosurgeon, is called
Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills. You can access this book through my
website in the recommended books section.

Jane Sheppard
Future Generations
Publisher of Healthy Child Newsletter
Vital, In-depth Information and Resources to Protect the Health of Children

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