Moms 'n dads,

kalo udah imunisasi MMR, si anak dipastikan gak akan kena gondongan ato
tetap bisa kena juga? Pls share..

----- Original Message -----
From: Sylvia Radjawane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:24 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] [Artikel] Gondongan

> Hi pak Vecky,
> Saya posting salah satu artikel tentang Gondongan (Mumps) dari yang mungkin bisa jadi tambahan info untuk
pertanyaan-pertanyaan bapak tentang penyakit ini.
> Intinya, untuk mencegah penyakit gondongan, sebetulnya sudah ada vaksin
yang tersedia, yaitu vaksin MMR (mumps, measles, rubella), yang dosis
pertamanya bisa diberikan pada anak saat usianya 12 - 15 bulan.
> Pengobatan gondongan?  Sama halnya dengan penyakit lain akibat infeksi
virus, the best treatment adalah waktu, istirahat, asupan nutrisi bergizi
dan banyak minum.  Pasti nggak mudah, karena saat menderita gondongan anak
akan sulit untuk menelan, bicara atau mengunyah.  Di artikel tsb. dianjurkan
untuk menghindari jenis jus atau makanan asam agar produksi ludah tidak
semakin banyak dan membuat anak sakit karena harus sering menelan.
> Tidak ada obat yang bisa menyembuhkan atau mempercepat kesembuhan anak
dari gondongan.  Jika memang gondongan ini disertai demam tinggi, obat
penurun panas bisa diberikan agar suhu tubuh tidak menjadi lebih tinggi dan
anak jadi nyaman.  Dari info lain yang pernah saya baca, pengobatan
tradisional dengan menggunakan larutan biru belau/blau (spell??) belum ada
penjelasan tentang mekanisme kerja zat tsb. walau ada beberapa kasus
'sembuh' dengan cara ini.  Kemungkinan besar, pengobatan ini semacam efek
placebo, bukan karena zat tsb. tapi memang gondongannya sendiri yang sudah
waktunya sembuh (note: penyakit karena infeksi virus bersifat self-limiting
disease alias akan sembuh dengan sendirinya seiring menguatnya daya tahan
tubuh - contohnya:   sakit flu/batuk yang 'sembuh' setelah minum antibiotik,
 padahal memang sudah waktunya sembuh dari virus flu/batuk dan antibiotiknya
tidak 'membasmi' apa-apa dalam tubuh bahkan malah berefek merugikan).
> Penularan gondongan bisa terjadi dari kontak langsung dengan penderita
(mis. percikan ludah penderita saat batuk/bersin/berbicara, alat makan yang
digunakan bersama-sama, dll.).  Seperti ciri khas infeksi virus lain, masa
penularan itu bisa berlangsung dari penderita yang bahkan belum menunjukkan
gejala gondongan dan bisa terus berlangsung hingga beberapa waktu setelah
penderita 'sembuh' dari gondongan.  Itu sebabnya, kadang anak tiba-tiba kena
'gondongan' tanpa tahu pasti kapan tertularnya.
> Jika memang anak sudah terserang gondongan, yang bisa dilakukan orang tua
adalah observasi ketat dan waspada dengan komplikasi gondongan yang bisa
menyerang anak laki-laki (orchitis yang menyerang testikel anak dan bisa
berakibat kemandulan) dan anak perempuan (gangguan pada indung telurnya),
juga resiko hilang pendengaran dan meningitis (radang otak).
> Itu sebabnya cara paling aman dan nyaman untuk terhindar dari problem
gondongan adalah dengan tindakan pencegahan alias imunisasi MMR tepat waktu.
> Cheers,
> Sylvia - Jovan's mum
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mayo Clinic Staff (
> Mumps is a viral infection that primarily affects the parotid-glands - one
of three pairs of salivary glands, located below and in front of your ears.
If you or your child contracts mumps, it can cause swelling in one or both
parotid glands.
> However, your odds of contracting mumps aren't very high.  Mumps was
common until the mumps vaccine was licensed in 1967.  Before the vaccine, up
to 200,000 cases of mumps occurred each year in the US.  Since then, the
number of cases has dropped dramatically, so there are now fewer than 300
cases a year.
> Mumps is still a common disease in many parts of the world, though, so
prevention is important.
> About one-third of people infected with the mumps virus have no signs or
symptoms.  When signs and symptoms do develop, they usually appear about two
to three weeks after exposure to the virus and may include:
> ·          Swollen, painful salivary glands on one or both sides of the
> ·          Pain with chewing or swallowing
> ·          Fever
> ·          Weakness and fatigue
> ·          Tenderness and swelling of a testicle (orchitis)
> ·          The primary - and best known - sign of mumps is swollen
salivary glands that cause the cheeks to puff out.  In fact, the term mumps
is an old expression for lumps or bumps within the cheeks.
> The cause of mumps is the mumps virus, which spreads easily from person to
person through infected saliva.  If you're not immune, you can contract
mumps by breathing in saliva droplets of an infected person who has just
sneezed or coughed.  You can also contract mumps from sharing utensils or
cups with someone who has mumps.
> If you suspect that you or your child has mumps, see your doctor.  Mumps
has become an uncommon illness, so it's possible that your symptoms are
caused by another more common condition.  Swollen glands and a fever could
be an indication of inflamed tonsils (tonsillitis) or a blocked salivary
gland.  Other, rarer viruses can infect the parotid glands, causing a
mumps-like illness.
> If your doctor suspects that you or your child has mumps, a virus culture
or serologic blood test may be needed.  This blood test can detect mumps
antibodies, which indicate whether you have had a recent or past infection.
> Complications of mumps are potentially serious, but rare.  These include:
> ·          Orchitis.  This inflammatory condition causes swelling of one
or both testicles.  Orchitis is painful, but it rarely leads to sterility -
the inability to conceive a child.
> ·          Pancreatitis.  This disease causes swelling of the pancreas.
Signs and symptoms of pancreatitis include pain in the upper abdomen, nausea
and vomiting.
> ·          Encephalitis.  Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain caused
by a viral infection, such as mumps.  Encephalitis can lead to neurologic
problems and become life-threatening.  Although it's serious, encephalitis
is a rare complication of mumps.
> ·          Meningitis.  Meningitis is infection and inflammation of the
membranes and fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord.  It can occur if
the mumps virus spreads through your bloodstream to infect your central
nervous system.  Like encephalitis, meningitis is a rare complication of
> ·          Inflammation of the ovaries.  Pain in the lower abdomen in
women may be a symptom of this problem.  Fertility doesn't seem to be
> ·          Hearing loss.  In rare causes, mumps can cause temporary or
permanent hearing loss in one or both ears.
> If you or your child develops a complication from mumps, contact your
> Because mumps is caused by a virus, antibiotics are not an effective
treatment.  Like most viral illnesses, mumps infection must simply run its
course.  Fortunately, most children and adults recover from an uncomplicated
case of mumps within two weeks' time.
> In general, you're considered immune to mumps if you've previously had the
infection or if you've been immunized against mumps.
> The mumps vaccine is usually given as a combined measles-mumps-rubella
(MMR) inoculation, which contains the safest and most effective form of each
vaccine.  Doctors recommend that children receive the MMR vaccine between 12
and 15 months of age, and again between 3 and 6 years of age - before
entering school.
> If you or your child has mumps, time and rest are the best treatments.
There's little your doctor can do to speed recovery.  But you can take some
steps to ease pain and discomfort and keep others from becoming infected:
> -          Rest in bed until the fever goes away
> -          Isolate yourself or your child to prevent spreading the disease
to others
> -          Take acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or a nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) to ease
symptoms.  Adults may also use aspirin.  Don't give aspirin to children
because of the risk of Reye's Syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal
> -          Use a cold compress to ease the pain of swollen glands
> -          Wear an athletic supporter to ease pain of tender testicles
> -          Avoid foods that require lots of chewing.  Instead try
broth-based soups or soft foods, such as mashed potatoes or cooked oatmeal,
for nourishment.
> -          Avoid sour foods such as citrus fruits or juices that stimulate
saliva production
> -          Drink plenty of fluids
> -          Lan low-key activities
> If your child has mumps, the most important thing you can do as a parent
is to watch for complications.  In boys, watch especially for high fever,
with pain and swelling of the testicles.  In girls, abdominal pain may mean
involvement of the ovaries or pancreatitis.  If your child's fever is very
high, contact your doctor for advice.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Vecky Priatna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mau tanya seputar gondongan nih, kayaknya kok sekarang lagi musim.
> 1. bagaimana pencegahannya?
> 2. bagaimana pengobatannya?
> 3. berapa lama masa inkubasinya?
> 4. dan mungkin beberapa info lain seputar gondongan.
> <deleted>
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