intan dima [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> semoga hanya hoax.... aminn aminnn aminnn
> sabtu, 2 april 2005
> Pakar Peringatkan Letusan Gunung Api di Danau Toba
> SYDNEY - Ketika Indonesia sedang berjuang keras
> mengevakuasi para korban gempa di Pulau Nias, seorang
> pakar Australia memperingatkan bahwa wilayah Sumatera
> bakal diguncang letusan gunung berapi sangat dahsyat.

Berita di situs adalah terjemahan
berita dari kantor berita AFP (perhatikan paragraf pertama.)
Bpk. Cas benar-benar profesor di Monash University pada
bidang ilmu bumi. Jadi artikel ini adalah analisa seorang
ilmuwan dan bukan hoax. Artikel aslinya saya copy & paste
di bawah ini.

Mari kita berdo'a, semoga Tuhan selalu melindungi kita semua!


New Scientist | AFP
Friday April 1, 06:21 AM

"Super volcano" could dwarf Indonesia's earthquake
catastrophes: expert

SYDNEY (AFP) - As Indonesians struggled to recover from the
second deadly earthquake to strike them in three months, an
Australian expert warned the country faced the prospect of
a "super volcano" eruption that would dwarf all previous

Professor Ray Cas of Monash University's School of
Geosciences said the world's biggest super volcano was Lake
Toba, on Indonesia's island of Sumatra, site of both the
recent massive earthquakes.

Cas told Australian media Friday that Toba sits on a
faultline running down the middle of Sumatra -- just where
some seismologists say a third earthquake might strike
following the 9.0 magnitude quake on December 26 and Monday's 
8.7 temblor.

Those quakes occurred along faultlines running just off
Sumatra's west coast and created seismological stresses
which could hasten an eruption.

Cas said Toba last erupted 73,000 years ago in an event so
massive that it altered the entire world's climate.

"The eruption released 1,000 cubic kilometers (240 cubic
miles) of ash and rock debris into the atmosphere, much of
it as fine ash which blocked out solar radiation, kicking
the world back into an ice age," he said.

The scientist said super volcanos represented the greatest
potential hazard on earth, "the only greater threat being an
asteroid impact from space".

"A super volcano will definitely erupt," he said.

"It could be in a few, 50 or another 1000 years but sooner
or later one is going to go off."

Other super volcanos are found in Italy, South America, the
United States and New Zealand -- where Mount Taupo could be
ready for eruption.

"It has a big eruption every 2,000 years, and it last
erupted about 2,000 years ago," Cas said.

The potential death toll from a super volcano eruption
"could reach the hundreds of thousands to millions and there
are serious implications on climate, weather and viability
of food production," Cas said.

"The big problem is a lot of the volcanoes that potentially
could erupt are perhaps not monitored to the degree that
they should be, and of course we learnt that lesson from the
Boxing Day tsunami disaster," he said

Ray Cas
Professor / Honours-M.Sc. Coordinator

Room: Building 28, Rm 139
Phone: +61 (0)3 9905-4897
Fax: +61 (0)3 9905-4903

Research Interests:

    * Volcanology
    * Clastic sedimentology
    * Tectonics
    * Dynamic processes in modern and ancient volcanic and
      volcano-sedimentary systems

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