1. kejang demam ada faktor turunan ..
2. kejang demam itu berbeda dari epilepsi
3. kopi tidak menyebabkan anak terhindar dari kejang demam.... kopi lebih
banyak membawa dampak buruk dibanding dampak positifnya (memang ada yah
dampak positif kopi bagi bayi? wong buat orang dewasa juga banyak dampak
negatifnya kok)..... jadi, jangan berikan kopi pada bayi/balita!

ini saya drop artikel ttg febrile seizures dari mayoclinic...

Original Article:

Febrile seizure


In young children, a rapidly rising body temperature can cause a seizure or
a convulsion. This is called a fever seizure or febrile seizure. It
typically affects children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years and
lasts just a few minutes. But it can seem like an eternity to frightened

Watching your child lose consciousness or shake his or her arms and legs
uncontrollably can be terrifying and alarming, but febrile seizures aren't
as dangerous as they may seem. A seizure triggered by a sudden fever is
usually harmless and usually doesn't indicate a long-term or ongoing
problem. In fact, it's fairly common - affecting about 2 percent to 4
percent of children under age 5. Still, a febrile seizure is always a reason
to seek medical attention, especially to determine the cause of the fever.

Signs and symptoms

Occasional odd, twitchy or jerky movements are common in infants, especially
when they're sleepy - these are not seizures. Signs of a febrile seizure

  a.. Repeated rhythmic jerking or stiffening of your child's arms, legs and
  b.. Eyes rolled back in your child's head
  c.. Breathing problems
  d.. Loss of consciousness
  e.. Loss of urine
  f.. Vomiting
  g.. An elevated body temperature - usually higher than 102 F
Febrile seizures are classified as simple or complex:

  a.. Simple febrile seizures. These are the most common. They last from a
few seconds to 15 minutes and stop on their own. After the seizure, your
child may cry or be quite sleepy.
  b.. Complex febrile seizures. These are more serious. A complex febrile
seizure lasts longer than 15 minutes, occurs more than once within 24 hours
or is confined to one side of your child's body.
Although a febrile seizure is usually caused by a rapid rise in your child's
temperature, the severity of the signs and symptoms doesn't necessarily
reflect the level of the fever.


Most febrile seizures occur because of a sudden spike in body temperature,
and most occur during the first day of a fever. But a febrile seizure also
may develop as the fever is declining.

Usually, the fevers that trigger febrile seizures are caused by an infection
in your child's body. The most common cause is a typical childhood illness,
such as a middle ear infection or roseola - a viral infection that causes
swollen glands and a rash. A less common but very serious cause of sudden
fever and febrile seizures is an infection of a child's brain and spinal
cord (central nervous system). One such infection is meningitis, a condition
in which membranes surrounding the brain become infected. Another is
encephalitis, an inflammation in the brain itself.

The risk of febrile seizures also increases after common childhood
immunizations. Febrile seizures are a rare side effect of immunization, but
it may occur the day of the diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis
(DTaP) vaccination or eight to 14 days after a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)
vaccination. Febrile seizures are caused by the fever that can accompany the
vaccination - not by the vaccination itself.

Risk factors

Young age is the strongest risk factor. About 2 percent to 4 percent of
children experience a febrile seizure before their fifth birthday. These
seizures usually occur in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years
and are particularly common in toddlers. Children rarely develop their first
febrile seizure before the age of 6 months or after 3 years of age, and
febrile seizures usually stop by the time a child is 5 or 6 years old. Some
children inherit a family's tendency to have seizures with a fever.

When to seek medical advice

Have a first-time febrile seizure evaluated by your doctor as soon as
possible, even if it lasts only a few seconds. If the seizure ends quickly,
call your doctor as soon as it's over and ask when and where your child can
be examined. If the seizure lasts longer than five minutes or is accompanied
by vomiting, problems with breathing or extreme sleepiness, call for an
ambulance to take your child to the emergency room.

Screening and diagnosis

Your doctor will need to examine your child to determine the possible causes
of the fever and seizure. Your doctor may order blood and urine tests to
detect an infection.

If your doctor suspects a central nervous system infection, a spinal tap
(lumbar puncture) may be necessary. In this procedure, a doctor inserts a
needle into your child's lower back to remove a small amount of spinal
fluid. This test can reveal evidence of infection in the fluid that
surrounds the brain and spinal cord. Further tests may be necessary if your
child suffered a complex febrile seizure.


Although febrile seizures may cause great fear and concern for parents, most
febrile seizures produce no lasting effects. Simple febrile seizures don't
cause brain damage, mental retardation or learning disabilities, and they
don't mean your child has a more serious underlying disorder, such as

Epilepsy in children is defined as recurring seizures in the absence of
fever. The odds that your child will develop epilepsy after a febrile
seizure are small. Only 2 percent to 4 percent of children who have a
febrile seizure go on to develop epilepsy, but not because of the febrile
seizures. Children with epilepsy sometimes have their first seizures during
fevers. However, between 95 percent and 98 percent of children who have a
simple febrile seizure never develop epilepsy.

The most common complication of febrile seizures is more febrile seizures.
About a third of children who have a febrile seizure will have another one
with a subsequent fever. The risk of recurrence is higher if your child had
a low fever at the time of the first febrile seizure, if the period of time
between the start of the fever and the seizure was short, or if an immediate
family member has a history of febrile seizures. But the biggest factor
affecting recurrence is age. The younger a child is when the first febrile
seizure occurs, the more likely he or she is to have more.


It's not necessary to lower your child's fever to stop a febrile seizure. So
don't try to give your child fever medications during a seizure. For the
same reason, you don't need to place your child in a cooling tub of water.
It's much more practical - and comfortable - for your child to remain lying
on the carpet or a bed.

Most febrile seizures stop on their own within five minutes. If your child
has a febrile seizure that lasts more than five minutes - or if your child
has two or more seizures - call for emergency medical attention.

In rare cases, the seizure may continue until your child arrives at the
emergency room. If this happens, a doctor may order medication that's
administered either through your child's rectum or intravenously to stop the
seizure. If the seizure is prolonged or accompanied by a serious infection
or if the source of the infection can't be determined, your doctor may want
your child to stay in the hospital for further observation. But a hospital
stay isn't routinely necessary for simple febrile seizures.


Most of the time, a febrile seizure occurs the first day of an illness.
Often, a febrile seizure occurs before parents realize that their child is

However, if your child is susceptible to febrile seizures, it may be
possible to prevent these seizures by taking quick action to control fever
when your child has an illness. By giving your child acetaminophen (Tylenol,
others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) at the first indication of
fever, you may reduce the chance of a febrile seizure. You can also control
fever by making sure your child drinks plenty of fluids and not bundling him
or her up too tightly at night. Just don't give aspirin to children. Aspirin
may trigger a rare but potentially fatal disorder known as Reye's syndrome.

It's also possible to prevent febrile seizures with prescription
medications. Anticonvulsant medications such as phenobarbital, valproic acid
(Depakene) and divalproex sodium (Depakote) are effective in preventing
febrile seizures when taken daily. Oral or rectal diazepam (Valium, Diastat)
also can reduce the risk of febrile seizures if taken at the time of a
fever. But these medications all have drawbacks. They carry a definite risk
of serious side effects in young children. Doctors rarely prescribe these
prevention medications because most febrile seizures are harmless and most
children outgrow them without any problems.


If your child has a febrile seizure, stay calm and follow these steps to
help your child during the seizure:

  a.. Place your child on his or her side, somewhere where he or she won't
  b.. Stay close to watch and comfort your child.
  c.. Remove any hard or sharp objects near your child.
  d.. Loosen any tight or restrictive clothing.
  e.. Don't restrain your child or interfere with your child's movements.
  f.. Don't attempt to put anything in your child's mouth.
If possible, try to time the seizure using your watch or a clock. Because
they're so alarming, seizures often seem to last longer than they really do.
Also try to note which part of your child's body begins to shake first, and
look for other signs of illness. This can help your doctor understand the
cause of the seizure.

Within one to two hours of a febrile seizure, many children are back on
their feet, running around the doctor's office or playing safely at home. By
staying calm, observing your child and knowing when to call the doctor,
you're doing everything that's needed to take care of your child.

By Mayo Clinic staff

----- Original Message -----
From: "lilis setiawati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Kalau keturunan sih kayaknya nggak juga yah, maaf saja nih soalnya
epilepsi itu bukan penyakit keturunan lho. Biasanya memang kejang itu
terjadi pada anak cowok, tapi juga nggak tertutup kemungkinan anak perempuan
juga bisa kena. Untuk menghindari step, saya punya resepnya nih.....yaitu
setiap hari coba dikasih 1 sendok teh minuman kopi pada anak kita....selain
itu khususnya anak laki2 sebaiknya jangan gemuk2, karena kalau gemuk maka
bila terkena panas akan sulit turunnya dan kemungkinan terjadi kejang lebih
tinggi kalau suhu badannya tinggi.
> Sebaiknya sih sebisa mungkin dihindari kejang, karena dampaknya akan
berpengaruh ke perkembangan otak anak. Jadi jagalah anak kita agar jangan
sampai kena kejang apalagi epilepsi.
> Rgrds,
> Lilis

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