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Scientists Scramble to Destroy Flu Strain

Scientists Scramble to Destroy Flu Strain

Tue Apr 12, 7:44 PM ET

By EMMA ROSS, AP Medical Writer

LONDON - Thousands of scientists were scrambling Tuesday at
the urging of global health authorities to destroy vials of
a pandemic flu strain sent to labs in 18 countries as part
of routine testing.

The rush, urged by the World Health Organization, was
sparked by a slim, but real, risk that the samples, could
spark a global flu epidemic. The vials of virus sent by a 
U.S. company went to nearly 5,000 labs, mostly in the United
States, officials said.

"The risk is relatively low that a lab worker will get sick,
but a large number of labs got it and if someone does get
infected, the risk of severe illness is high and this virus
has shown to be fully transmissible," WHO's influenza chief,
Klaus Stohr, told The Associated Press.

It was not immediately clear why the 1957 pandemic strain,
which killed between 1 million and 4 million people - was
in the proficiency test kits routinely sent to labs.

It was a decision that Stohr described as "unwise," and

That particular bug was "an epidemic virus for many years,"
Stohr said from the U.N. health agency's headquarters in
Geneva, Switzerland. "The risk is low but things can go
wrong as long as these samples are out there and there are
some still out there."

The 1957 strain has not been included in the flu vaccine
since 1968, and anyone born after that date has no immunity
to it.

Dr. Nancy Cox, chief of the influenza branch at the federal
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, said
her agency was notified of the situation Friday morning.
She also said officials strongly doubt someone deliberately
planted the dangerous germ or that this was an act of

"It wouldn't be a smart way to start a pandemic to send it
to laboratories because we have people well trained in
biocontainment," she said.

The concern over the shipment of pandemic flu virus to
thousands labs renews questions about the safe handling of
deadly germs - an issue that led to toughened U.S. rules
after anthrax was sent in the mail in 2001, killing five

Most of the flu samples - 3,747 - were sent starting last
year at the request of the College of American Pathologists,
which helps labs do proficiency testing. The last shipments
were sent out in February.

Dr. Jared Schwartz, an official with the pathology college,
said a private company, Meridian Bioscience Inc. of
Cincinnati, Ohio, is paid to prepare the samples. The firm
was told to pick an influenza A sample and chose from its
stockpile the deadly 1957 H2N2 strain.

Stohr said U.S. health officials also reported to WHO that
some other test kit providers besides the college used the
1957 pandemic strain in samples sent to labs in the United
States. Schwartz identified them as Medical Lab Evaluators,
the American Association of Bioanalysts and the American
Association of Family Practitioners.

Almost 99 percent of the labs that got the test kits are in
the United States, Stohr said. Fourteen were in Canada and
61 samples went to labs in 16 other countries in Europe,
Asia, the Middle East and South America, according to the

Some of the labs outside the United States have already
destroyed their samples, he said, and WHO is hoping that
the rest of the vials will be destroyed by Friday. The
health agency wouldn't name the other countries whose labs
received the samples.

The test kits are used for internal quality control checks
to demonstrate that a lab is able to correctly identify
viruses or as a way for labs to get certified by the
College of American Pathologists.

The kits involve blind samples. The lab then has to
correctly identify the pathogen in the vial in order to
pass the test. Usually, the influenza virus included in
these kits is one that is currently circulating, or at
least one that has recently been in circulation.

On March 26, National Microbial Laboratory Canada detected
the 1957 pandemic strain in a sample not connected with the
test kit. After informing WHO and the CDC of the strange
finding, the lab investigated. It informed the U.N. health
agency on Friday that it had traced the virus to the test

The WHO then notified the health authorities in all
countries that received the kits and recommended that all
the samples be destroyed immediately.

That same day, the College of American Pathologists faxed
the labs asking them to immediately incinerate the samples
and to confirm in writing that the operation had been

Stohr said the test kits are not the only supplies of the
1957 pandemic strain sitting in laboratories around the

"The world really has to think what routine labs should be
doing with these samples they have kept in the back of
their fridges," Storh said.

Viruses are classed according to the level of lab safety
precautions that must be taken when handling them. Routine
viruses can be handled in labs with a basic level of
biosafety protection. However, very dangerous viruses, such
as Ebola, can only be handled at labs with top-level safety
measures. Those labs have a biosafety level of 4.

The 1957 flu virus has for years been a level 2 virus, but
many countries have upgraded it to a biosafety level of 3
because so many people have no immunity to it. Stohr said 
U.S. officials reviewing the classification and are expected
to increase it to a level 3 later this summer.

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