April 14, 2005
Brain-Dead From Sports Drinks

For years now, we've been hearing about the importance of
hydration to avoid heat stroke during prolonged exercise in 
hot weather. Now, it turns out, too much hydration can kill 

A study published today in The New England Journal of 
Medicine should give weekend warriors reason to rethink the 
wisdom of quaffing vast amounts of water or sports drinks 
while exercising vigorously - at least if they are engaging 
in such endurance tests as a marathon. The study found that 
a marathon runner could dangerously dilute the blood with an
overdose of liquids, risking a coma and even death. The 
problem has also been detected during long military 
maneuvers, extended bike rides and blistering hikes through 
the desert.

An article by Gina Kolata in The Times today describes the 
slow and belated recognition of the problem. A South African
expert who has been warning of the dangers for more than two
decades told Ms. Kolata that he had not found a single case 
when an athlete had died from dehydration in a competitive 
race, but that some people had sickened and died from 
drinking too much. Typically, an overdose of water dilutes 
their blood and reduces the concentration of sodium. Water 
enters the cells, causing them to swell, and engorged brain 
cells press into the skull; such pressure can lead to 
confusion, seizures and a loss of vital functions.

All too often, friends, coaches or emergency personnel 
assume that the problem is dehydration and administer yet 
more liquid, making the problem worse. The best treatment is
a small volume of a concentrated salt solution, given 
intravenously, to increase blood sodium concentrations. 
Sports drinks containing electrolytes may not help much as 
they are mostly liquid themselves.

In the 2002 Boston Marathon, for example, a 28-year-old 
woman found herself exhausted after running for five hours 
and gulping sports drinks along the way. Wrongly assuming 
that she was dehydrated, she chugged down 16 more ounces of 
a sports drink. She promptly collapsed and was later 
declared brain-dead. The concentration of salt in her blood 
was found to be lethally low.

In the study published today, researchers at various 
Harvard-affiliated institutions tested 488 of the nearly 
15,000 runners who completed the 2002 Boston Marathon. They 
found that 13 percent had blood with abnormally low sodium 
levels, and that three runners were in danger of dying. It 
was not the elite runners who were at risk - it was those 
who had taken four hours or more to finish the race, 
allowing plenty of time to imbibe excess fluid.

Sports authorities have already issued warnings and tips to 
avoid excessive drinking, and rescue workers in the Grand 
Canyon now carry devices to test collapsed hikers for low 
blood sodium. But the solution is for overly eager endurance
runners and hikers to forget the old mantra that they should
drink-drink-drink. Too much liquid can be lethal.

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