wah bagus juga tuh,,,,mau juga dong...programnya...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] motor.co.id To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com cc: 28/04/2005 10:48 Subject: [balita-anda] OOT :DAFTAR ANGGARAN KEUANGAN RUMAH AM TANGGA [Virus Checked] Please respond to balita-anda Pagi mom's dad's... Hidup memang harus tetap optimis yah...walau apapun yang terjadi. Begitu juga dengan anggaran keuangan rumah tangga, meskipun kembang kempis. Tetep saja harus dikelola dengan baik ( gimana ngelolanya wong masuknya gitu2 aja hik....) So far...para bunda semua, maksud saya dan tujuan saya adalah ( gaya swipernya dora : ya ampun basa-basinya kebanyakan!) ada ngga ibu's disini yang punya contoh " DAFTAR ANGGARAN KEUANGAN RUMAH TANGGA", yang mencakup laporan pemasukan dan pengeluarannya, abis dari kemarin mau coba2 bikin sendiri koq muales banget mikirnya, intinya daku mau nyontek nih..boleh ngga yak ! Minimal contohnya saja, abis aku pusing banget nih..my hubby yang super rajin dan baik itu ( jangan gr yah yang ! ) menyerahkan tugas megang Budget keuangan rumah dimulai bulan ini ke aku ( yah wajar aja yah kan emang seharusnya tugas ibu2 ). Mom's jangan diketawain yah...selama meriied tugas ini dipegang my hubby, abis aku terlalu konsen ngurus Nayla ( ngeles mode ! ) oke deh aku tunggu yah....contohnya ( di exel yah..? ) With Love & Smile.. Ummy Nayla ( www.babiesonline.com/babies/n/naylaauraalshafa < IMPORTANT NOTICE > This email, including any attachments, is intended for the named recipient(s) only. It may contain confidential and/or privileged information, or information that is otherwise protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or print this email (including any attachments) or any part of it, or otherwise disseminate or disclose any information contained therein, or take any action in reliance on it. All such actions are strictly prohibited. Any views expressed in it do not necessarily reflect the views of the Company. Any comments, opinions or other information contained in this email that do not relate to the official business of the Aon Group of Companies ("Aon") should not be interpreted as being a statement and/or opinion expressed or endorsed by Aon. If you receive this email by mistake, please advise the sender by email or telephone, and then delete the email and any attachments from your system and destroy any printed copies. We do not accept liability for any corruption, delay, interception or unauthorized amendment of the email or any attachments. It is also your responsibility to check this email and any attachments for viruses. For further information about Aon please visit our website at www.aon.com. AYO GALANG SOLIDARITAS UNTUK MEMBANTU KORBAN MUSIBAH DI ACEH & DAN SUMATERA UTARA !!! ================ Kirim bunga, http://www.indokado.com Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]